Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ingrown hair... this might be a little disgusting but plz help!?

I started getting ingrown hair 2 yrs ago, I'm now 21. I don't know how it started, but 2 years ago I kept getting ingrown hair and I had been waxing, someone told me maybe my skin is too sensitive so i stopped and began to shave and believe it or not it made it better. I do still however get REALLY BAD INGROWN HAIR, If you look at my leg from the side you see bumps sticking out that's how bad. I tried all the oils, tend skin, and creams, I don't get it. I can't afford lazer so that's out and I'm TOO SHY to show my legs to a doctor because it's really that bad. From my knee down i have red bumps and some are really bad. I even tried passing rubbing alcohol after a shower because i heard that might help BUT no luck. Does anyone else have the same problem I feel so weird with this I can't even wear dresses or shorts or even go swimming :o( I don't understand how it came out of no where.

If I talk to my doctor are there pills or something.....

Please get back to me.

Ingrown hair... this might be a little disgusting but plz help!?

It is when you shave you get the hair just at the right angle to grow sideways. Then it is in your skin... If you get a needle and try to pull it out, it should come out. Look on Google or Yahoo... they should tell you the same things.

Ingrown hair... this might be a little disgusting but plz help!?

show it to a doctor DONT be shy to do that!!! that is what doctors are for...

Ingrown hair... this might be a little disgusting but plz help!?

Suck it up, pay the $200 to see a dermatologist. They will give you a strait answer. I would have said tend skin because that has worked for me.

This sounds a little gross but I have done medical procedures on myself before. It can hurt but what ever. Go buy a scalpel from a medical supply store or online and try slicing at the base of the ingrown hair. Squeeze out the root. See how that one heels and if it works move on.

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