Monday, April 16, 2012

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to mak

shaved my vuva and got an ingrown hair. it became itchy, so i began to scratch it. now it has become swollen, has pus like a boil, and it is really really sore. i have used magnoplasm on a bandaid to try to draw out the pus, but it still hasnt gone. it has been there about a week now, and isnt getting any better. please help, its embaressing, i havnt let my boyfriend go near me since it began, and i dont want to go to the doctor, as its humiliating. can you give me some advice to get rid of it? i popped the head of it, which released some pressure, but now blood is just coming out. it is really hard and sore around the edges, and throbs. i cant sleep on my stomach because it is constantly hurting. i have had a boil once on my arm, and this is like a smaller one. how long untill it goes? should i just keep putting magnoplasm on it? is there anythin else i can do for it to go? please help!!

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

go to doctor...

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

And here I thought a Volvo was a car.

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

Clean it with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, then pop it and try to tweeze the hair out. After you have the hair out, clean the area again.

If not, then try going to your doctor.

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

Don't worry about going to the Dr. it isn't anything he hasn't seen before.

If you have a hand held mirror where you can see it, get a needle and pick the hair out and then squeeze all the fluid out and medicate it well.

Don't shave it again.=========

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

well dear try soaking (sit bath)it in as hot water as you can. put 1 1/2 cup of Epsom's salt ( cheap, and at most stores) in the water try this twice a Day if possible. for three days. but honey there isn't a thing to be embarrassed about.your boyfriend may surprise you with his compassion.and you do need to see your doctor. do not suffer needlessly.good luck

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

One thing that will help is to get tweezers and pull the hair out. Then afterwards run a bath of the hottest water you can stand to sit in and sit in it for a while. The heat will bring it to the surface. Hot baths and hot damp compact applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times a day can also draw the boil out.Clean the boil with an anti-bacterial soap. Apply anti-bacterial cream to it so no further infection is spread. As for the pain call a pharmacist and ask if they have any antibiotic creams with a numbing agent in them.

Have an ingrown hair on my vulvar, wont go away, very swollen, pus and painful. what can i do to make it go?

i have had a few of these thru the yrs. its normal. take warm baths and soak in epson salt. then when you bath, wash with antibacterial soap. when you get out and dry off, then mix a dab of neosporin and black salve/ichthemal ointment on it. the neosporin will help fight infection as the black salve draws it to the surface. do this part, esp at nite so it can work when you are sleeping. then reapply in the morning and again about mid-day, if you can.

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