Monday, April 23, 2012

I had an ingrown hair which naturally i squeezed.pus came there seems to be infection.?

i think the hair is still in there.but the area is red and swollen.what can i do.its too sore to keep squeezing.i really really rather not head to a doctor unless its necessary.will it fix itself up?what can i do?

I had an ingrown hair which naturally i squeezed.pus came there seems to be infection.?

Yes, it can repair itself- that's what skin does best. Obviously it isn't ready to drain or release the hair, which is why your squeezing hasn't helped. Apply moist heat directly to the spot, use a clean washrag and apply heat as hot as you can stand it, as often as you can stand it. Otherwise, leave it be. No poking, prodding, squeezing, potions or lotions are needed. Your sking won't appreciate it at all. With heat applications, you will notice it gets redder and slightly bigger, as increased blood supply delivers white blood cells to fight and nutrients for repair. It will form a whitehead and possibly you will see the offending hair in the center. It will drain all on it's own when it's ready, usually a day or so with heat. Once you see it begin draining, you can help it along with more heat and a very gentle downward push on the sides. The hair should come out on it's own, if it at least pokes out, you can grab it with a tweezer and remove it completely. After it drains, apply an antibiotic ointment and a bandaid. Touch it only with fresh washed, clean hands, and don't touch any other skin afterwards. The bacteria infecting it are staph, from your skin surface, and you can spread that to other skin- including your face! You would then get a nice ugly super zit on your face. If you squeeze it before it is ready to drain, you can rupture it under the skin and make matters even bigger, more painful, and worse. So, apply heat and keep your hands off it until it drains itself.

I had an ingrown hair which naturally i squeezed.pus came there seems to be infection.?

because you think you shave it but you didn't

I had an ingrown hair which naturally i squeezed.pus came there seems to be infection.?

i get them too...keep putting hot rags on the area until it comes to a head...apply pressure around the area and it will pop...then if the hair is still there use the tweezer..wash area and then put some peroxide on it...the key is the hot water it opens the prevent make sure you use a scrub (like an apricot scrub) to keep it from getting ingrown

I had an ingrown hair which naturally i squeezed.pus came there seems to be infection.?

more likely just irritation. swab it with some alcohol and it should be ok. if it swells up, then there's infection.

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