Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ingrown Hair? or something else?...?

I have this semi large red bump, similar to a pimple, but with no white head on the very top part of my pubes, like where my pubic hair starts to grow. Im not quite sure what it is? I am fairly certain it is not an STD, and am assuming it is a Ingrown hair. I do not have anything on my genitalia or anything like that. It is a red pimple like bump, that feels a little hard underneath the skin, feels like its rectangular/oval shaped under there. But, What would you guess it is?


Ingrown Hair? or something else?...?

I get those once in a while, however they are not always in a hair region, but rather on my inner thigh close to my panty line. Mine can get really sore if not popped or protected by a band-aid.

I asked my doctor about them, and she said that they aren't STD's, but rather more of a boil/blister. Usually filled with more clear fluid and blood than puss. I was told that people with extra weight and those who smoke get these more often... so if you fall under either of these, a good way to not get them is to lose the weight and quit smoking. They can leave large dark scars if not taken cared of. Worst case, they can spread to more visiable places - some people get them on their face, underarms, thighs, and bellies.

She also stated that an antibiotic pill could help with the healing process and to come get some next time I get one - I personally hate antibiotics... so I haven't gotten any pills.

The best way to rid of the pain and start the healing process is to pop it. If you need to take a pin to it, sterilize it and poke the side, not the top of the bump. Squeeze from the bottom of the hard part under your skin.

You might have to do this a few times over a period of time (days) to get all the liquid out. Put some anti-biotic ointment on it, and keep it clean. You might find that it will go away for a week or so, then come back in the same spot. Just "rinse and repeat".

Other than getting infected and being a pain, they aren't anything to worry about - and no, you don't have an STD.

Good luck!

Ingrown Hair? or something else?...?

Most likely just a pimple.

Ingrown Hair? or something else?...?

probably a pimple

Ingrown Hair? or something else?...?

You are somewhat right with your assumption. It's a type of boil/cyst resulting from the friction at your pantline, and a hair follicle that is somewhat infected. It will eventually burst, but don't get freaked out. Squeeze it some to help it on its journey.

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