Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

How do you get rid of an ingrown hair on your face? Serious answers only please

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

Well when you wash your face, use a lofa or a bristle brush because it exfoliates your skin, which prevents most ingrown hairs. Also you can get Neutrogena body wash and use it on your face. Its called 'energizing body wash fresh citrus' it's a cream wash that moisturizes and gently exfliates your skin. Well, good luck, hope i helped!!! Oh and i heard that baby oil really helps!!!

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

tweeze it out with tweezers.

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

Try putting a spot treatment on it. Clean %26amp; Clear has a great one that works well.

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

u mean like facial hair. on a girl? if u do then maybe either shave it or nair it.

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

It depends on how deep it is. If it's so deep that you can hardly see it and there's a hard bump of skin around it, you need to see a doctor because taking it out yourself can cause scarring.

If it's not that deep, boil a pot of water over the stove, turn off the heat, put your face over the water and put a towel over your head and steam your face until the pores soften up. Then see if you can extract it. Be careful, though, because you don't want a scar.

If this doesn't work, just see the doctor. They're trained to deal with things like this. Good luck.

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

clean with alcohol carefully pick the end with tweezer heatwd in boiling water and pluck it out. Urmil

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

Sometimes I get ingrown hair right around my bikini area....Try "Tend Skin" sold at some Sephora stores. I bought mine off of ebay. You get fast results by using the product. Good luck!

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

When your pores are open, like after a hot shower, carefully try to tweeze it. If you can't get to it, though, stop. Don't hurt your skin if that hair doesn't want to come out yet. If the problem persists see a dermatologist or go to a spa to get a laser treatment.

Ingrown hair-serious answers only please?

check that website out. It will give you the answers on how to treat and prevent ingrown hairs. Good luck!

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