Monday, April 16, 2012

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

I shaved my pubic area about a week ago and earlier tonight I noticed a raised bump where I didn't hurt that much then, but it hurts like hell now. It's not red or anything (not yet anyways) but it's really irritating me. I think it might be an ingrown hair. Do I need to see a doctor about it or is there anything I can do to make it go away on its own? Any help is appreciated, really.

Oh and any rude answers CAN and WILL be reported; just letting you know. Some people can be mean=/



Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

Put warm moist compresses on it until it works itself out. You can also apply a small layer of antibiotic cream to help speed the healing process. Do not pop it, you could spread the infection.

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

if your getting those its best not to shave there. you should wax instead.

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

you just got chapped. it will be alright. just keep clean and wait on new growth

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

An ingrown hair is basically the same as a pimple so just try popping it or using tweezers to remove the hair. To ease pain try some ice.

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

Treat it as a sliver...Try to raise a thin layer with a safety pin or needle. If you see a hair under it or pop up pull it with tweezers it will be o.k. I get them under my arms and in my private area once in a while too.. If it is to no avail put neosporin in the bumped area..

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

if you shave, it probably is an ingrown hair. what you need to do is get the hair out. you could probably do it yourself, but if it's too deep, it might be safer to go to the doctors. anything is safer if you have your doctor do it, but if you want to do it yourself, it's still fine. you need to use a needle and poke that bump to open it up so you can use a pair of tweezers or even that needle to take that hair out. warning: it's an ingrown hair, so it'll be deep. and be prepared for blood and puss. whether you to the doctor's or do it yourself, get all the puss out after pull the hair out, clean it up and stick a bandage over it. good luck!

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

Keep a warm wash cloth on it for about 15 minutes (you may need to do this several times). The skin will soften and the ingrown hair will push its way up and then you can pluck it out with tweezers. No need to go to the doctor. This is very common when shaving your pubic area.

Next time, use a fresh razor and leave the shaving cream on for a good 10 minutes or so to really soften the area. Shaving in the direction of the hair growth will also help to prevent ingrown hairs.

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

Have a bath, get some tweezers, nip the top of it and squeeze a bit of the stuff out until you see the hair, rip it out and squeeze the rest of the stuff and put some anticeptic on it. You don't need to see a doctor. In future you need to get a good loofa to stop this from happening.

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

An ingrown hair is that irritating red bump that appears shortly after shaving. The hair is either cut too close to the skin... or it breaks off just below the skin. The hair then grows back into the hair follicle and becomes an ingrown hair. People that have dark, coarse... or curly hair are the most prone to ingrown hairs. I'll review the most common ingrown hair treatments, and let you know what I've learned.

Tweezing is an option with which everyone has an opinion... all different ! Some say to gently lift the hair out of the follicle and let it heal. Others say not to pluck the hair... as it may break off below the skin. This can lead to scarring. I say tweeze it !.. who wants to wait. Buy a good pair of pointed tweezers, with good grips at the drugstore, or online, and a bottle of peroxide. Use the peroxide to cleanse the tweezers. Pluck the hair near the skin, and dab with peroxide. I never had a problem with scarring, when I followed these directions.

Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells trapping the ingrown hair. Some people say to buy a loofa, or a synthetic sponge. I found them too harsh on my skin. The most useful exfoliation products were the Mudd masks... they worked great. I found them helpful when I used them every third day. I also found acne products with salicyclic or glycolic acid helped heal the irritated areas. Using witch hazel also can relieve the irritation and stinging.

Shave less often to let the hair grow out... if you can. If not, shave with a shaving product for sensitive skin... and a single bladed razor. Shave in the direction of the hair growth. For men, downward on the face areas, and upwards on the neck. Women, towards the body on the legs, underarms, and pubic area. Use the single bladed razor only two or three times. then toss it out. You can also use an electric razor and not apply too much pressure on your skin. Don't use cologne, as it will further irritate your skin. You can use a medicated after shave lotion.

I did find one drawback to not shaving as much... permanent 5 o'clock shadow. It made me look and feel like a bum. It also was kind of freeing in a way

If you get an infected ingrown hair... pus will start to appear. An infected ingrown hair... or a chronic ingrown hair... usually means it time to visit a dermatologist.

There are a few effective medications and shaving products on the market and online. I'm in the process of testing and researching ingrown hair treatments and skin care products for skin problems. I've been unlucky and have had to deal with problem skin. So you can benefit from my experience and research on what works

Ingrown pubic hair? Help please!?

maybe you can check this website out. It might help you.

An ingrown hair is a hair that curls and penetrates the skin with its tip, causing inflammation. Ingrown hairs are more common among people with very curly hair. Most ingrown hairs occur in the beard area.

What are the symptoms of an ingrown hair?

The most common symptom of an ingrown hair is inflammation of the skin, followed by pus formation. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. The symptoms of an ingrown hair may resemble other skin conditions. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

How is an ingrown hair diagnosed?

Diagnosis of an ingrown hair can be confirmed with a medical history and a physical examination.

Treatment for an ingrown hair:

An ingrown hair often heals on its own. However, in the case of chronic ingrown hairs, treatment may include:

allow the hair to grow longer

depilatory (to remove the hair)

electrolysis (to remove the hair)

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