Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

okay so i have like a red bump on my face right next to my eyebrow, and im not sure if it's a pimple or a ingrown hair, because i tweeze my eyebrows, its red and it hurts when i touch it and its rather big and noticible, it has a little yellowish tint in the middle while it bright red on the outter edge i tried popping it but nothing came out.

so is it a pimple or an ingrown hair..and what can i do to get rid of it, becasue i have pictures on monday??

thanks :]

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

i'd have to see it to answer but i know what can help.. @ walmart or maybe grocery store there's clearisil acne treatment cream in a little tube.. it does wonders!

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

Pimples are generally the after effect of an Ingrown hair. So technically they're the same thing, and I'd call it a Pimple.

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

probably a pimple

since its near your eyebrow you could cover it up pretty well

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

its probably pimple but don't worry no one is going to notice it, since its near the eyebrow

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

well,it can also be staff,so be careful about touching may spread!put a very hot compress on it and see if it will come to a head.....

Pimple or ingrown hair...??

if you have to get rid of the pimple really fast use a non gel tooth paste and put it on the pimplr or what ever it is, its going to shrink its size or its going to disapear but the tooth paste has to to be really strong i use colgate(put it on before you go to sleep) if it doesnt go away the first day try it the second time thats probably because your pimple is really sturbon. but before you put the toothe paste on was your face with a face wash but do not use soap that damages your skin

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