Friday, April 27, 2012

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

i used to get them all the time as well as boils they would get so bad i would have to go to the doctor but i found something that really works 9 out of 10 times try triple antibiotic ointment but you have to keep it covered at all times meaning keep the ointment over it at all times it really works

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

pull the hair out with tweezers

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

If it recurs a doctor could perform electrolysis.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Ouchee, I pull it out with tweeeeezers.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Depends how it is sometimes you can pull it out other times you can pop it like a zit then there are times you need meds to draw it out.If all else fails go see a doctor.Good Luck

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

a warm compress to the area will aleviate pain and bring it to a head, so the hair can be plucked out safely.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Try not to shave for a while-- it will only grow worse.

There are some topical medications available to treat it, but it is actually very common -- especially for African Americans.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Use a set of tweezers. Ingrown hairs litterally curl under causing a bump under the skin using tweezers to pull them out....the hair that you pull out will be a tightly wound curl of hair!

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Depends on how it is ingrown. If you can see it running under the skin you can use a pin and pull it up through the skin then use the tweezers and pull it out completely.

If it has made a sore like a pimple then you can use the pin to break open the skin and squeeze it until it pops out. Then use the tweezers to pull it the rest of the way.

Put an antiseptic like alcohol on it.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ing

the bump is small but the area all around it is red and it really hurts and it looks like a little tiny hole but i was told it looks like aningrown hair but my mom told me about the mrsa and now im scared, i have a baby so i dont want her to get sick if in fact i am. how precautious should i be? i also breast feed... please help!!!

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Why in the world would you think it is MRSA? Have you been exposed to an MRSA patient? Do you work in a hospital? Has this been treated with antibiotics and shown no change?

Instead of mindless worrying, go see your GP and ask him/her to yank/cut it out.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

If your that worried about go to the doctor.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Look up "hypochondriac" in the dictionary, then see your doctor.

There is no reason to suspect MRSA. Somebody should smack your mom.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

get some hydrogen peroxide and pop that sucker

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair information is provided at the source below.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

ur pregnant with anothher child

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

I just noticed tonight that I have a pea-sized hard lump just about 2 inches below my sternum. It is pinkish in color and is tender to the touch. I would say the majority is below skin level and it is slightly elevated. Any ideas if this would be a boil, in-grown hair or similar? I don't want to squeeze out any puss, etc for it may cause more issues.

Could this be a simple infection or pimple?

I think it just came on in the last 24 hours as I was daily and have never noticed anything at all. It is fairly noticable and as I stated, tender to the touch.

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

It sounds like a pimple. If left untreated (unpopped, as an example), there is a chance it could form into a boil. A boil will be large (the size of a big pee or larger) and painful. It would not be a cyst, as they tend to be non-painful in nature. Hope this helps!

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

i think you are right. its a pimple, ingrown hair, or some such and i have had the same thing on me in other places. i would put a small amount of topical antibiotic ointment such as neosporin on it a few times a day for the next few days. that should clear it up. if it does not, please do not hesitate to see someone about it. good luck

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown

what can i do to get rid of the hair for good besides lase hair removal? what do i do to get rid of the bumps? how can i get rid of dark spots from break outs, bumps and facial hair? i want even clear skin!!!!

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Use a mild exfoliant on your face to remove dead skin that may be over the hair shaft. If you use a toner and exfoliant regulary after waxing you probably wont have this problem and it will keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

I used to buy this paste for my husband for his ingrown hairs, it's actually made for BLACK skin. Because black people's hair grows much more slowly, it doesn't have enough time to surface. I can't remember for the life of me what it's called, it's like a salve or wax that you rub against the growth of the hair, and fills the pore and the hair can keep from getting trapped.

You can also try tea tree oil. I heard it's really good for the skin. I personally use witch hazel to make my pores smaller.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Exfoliate before you do any type of hair removal on your face. Use aloe vera gel for the spots you have now.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Laser is your only option for (somewhat) permanent removal. Waxing will cause you to break out. You should find a salon that does threading! It's much better tha waxing because waxing also pulls you skin and in long term is not good for your skin.

Some Asian, Indian, or Middle eastern salons, and now days the upper end spas have threading...

You should definitely look into it.


I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

There are only two permanent methods - the BEST has clearly been electrolysis. The only proven, non discriminating method. The other is laser and since that is out I guess you have to go for the electrolysis. Just be sure to get soemone that has a really good rep and knows what they are doing. PS: I have done a lot of research on this. If you have darker/heavier hair on your face (there has to be some contrast skin/hair - darker skin hopefully has darker hair)I would reconsider and go laser- I just did the laser (Luminous) on my underarms ('cause I hate shaving) and after one treatment for $70 (on "sale) I have had almost NO hair growth for over two weeks - WOW!. If you don't have a lot of hair or have lighter hair you have to go with the electrolysis.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Sorry, that can be soo disheartening. Maybe try seeing a doctor if feasible. It could be a hormonal problem %26amp; they have drugs to balance out hormones. Best Wishes to you.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

well i tweeze my hairs but becareful if you wanna do that it hurts obviously. Umm.. the bumps just keep your face clean you get the bumps becuase it's probably infected. To get rid of the dark spots you can use proactiv if you want or my personal fav cocoa butter. Just don't put all the chemicals on your face it will only make it worse go to your dermatologist hun!

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

If you want to avoid laser, try threading as an alternative to waxing. It takes more time, but the results are like waxing, with less irritation to the skin (the wax pulls on your skin, threading only pulls the hairs). To help curb instances of ingrown hairs, exfoliate regularly - the hairs can curl into the skin due to skin that has not yet shed.

Another person mentioned aloe vera gel - great stuff. I also recommend adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Both will help your skin to remain clear, and curb the dark marks. Higher quality products can be found at nutrition and health food stores. Some friends of mine swear by using a little Vitamin E oil on healing breakouts to cut down on the dark marks.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

try some kind of product made for that or pluck them

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

okay so...waxing your face is disgusting! Lazer hair removal is a good idea but sometimes it can get expensive...Maybe you should be like a man and shave your face.... (gross!)

I had a ingrown hair on my face turn into a pimple and advice?

be patient and let it go away on its own.

I had a ingrown hair on my face turn into a pimple and advice?


I never heard of anything like that.

The best thing I can say is go the doctor.

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

it makes the hair fall out on its own.... so would that be a good choice?

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Not good at all for that.


Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

No, Nair doesn't really help ingrown hairs. Try exfoliating under your arms 2-3 times per week. Exfoliation help prevent ingrown hairs.

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Nair is good for that but u need to look for the Nair that is an all over the body. If not, when you use it in other places of the body, it may cause irritation. Hope this helps.

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Yeah, nair works wonders. My sister swears by it

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Personally Nair is not good for me, the hair does come off when removed but you can actually see the roots under the skin.. well on me at least.

Have you tried this before? If not, do a small test because a lot of peoples skin is very sensitive to that and can cause awful rashes.

IF you have used it before (legs or something) and it works good for you, I would say yes use it under you're arms as long as it doesn't say not to on the bottle. If you're body responds well to it elsewhere, it will probably do the same under you're arms. :)

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

I use a bikini shaving gel for under my arms to help prevent this. Also changing razors more often. The bikini product is more sensitive to ingrown hair problems so it works pretty good.

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

I personally wouldn't use nair under your arms because it generally causes a reaction to skin.

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

no u pull them out

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

nair burns really bad!!! i would go get waxed if i were you! i hurts a lil but is sooo worth it! and lasts for a long time

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Nair does not prevent ingrown hair. To remove hair without getting ingrown hair, wax it professionally (don't let an amateur do it, this will just make the ingrown hair worse). And to get rid of ingrown hair, the best thing to do is to exfoliate the area and moisturize it. Try exfoliating right after a shower when your skin is just slightly damp and the dead skin cells can come off easier with a loofah. you will see a big difference. good luck!

Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?


Is nair good to use under your arm to prevent ingrown hair?

Not usually. It depends on how much hair is at the armpit.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

its in my pubic region, its been there for sooo long, and its sooo ugly, What can i do to get rid of it? Plz help its embarassing. thanks

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

If you try to pull it out with a pair of tweezers you run the risk of breaking the hair and leaving the end still embedded, which could cause further infection. Take loads of hot salty baths, but I suggest that maybe you will need some anti-biotics to clear it up properly.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

Put some hot water on it, but be careful not to burn yourself, and gently squeeze.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

well first if its in ur pubic area y wuld it matter no one should see that but u.... but u shuld go have it checked out or somthign

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

If you have a pair of tweezers you can try plucking it out.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

get out the tweezers and grit your teeth its like pulling teeth it is worth the pain.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

if squeezing and tweezers dont work

get a wax. itll take it out.

sometimes squeezing will break the skin and youll bleed and totally miss the hair.

waxing seems to work.

I have a really ugly ingrown hair.... how do i get rid of it?

let's see. iam going throw exactly waht you are going through. try cliping it.

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

Hey, I got one and I left it as just thought it was a little spot, I woke up one day and it was infected and a huge cyst that I had to have cut out. so I advise you get the hair out! The doc said to get them out with some tweezers.

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

i havent personally, but if soeone does i guess pulling it out quickly with a pair of tweezers?

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

I have it here and there, and when I do I just let it grow out. I have realized that I need to start shaving in a different direction so that I don't get them.

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

I get them all the time.if you can see the hair simply hook it up with a pair of good tweezers,then pull out.hurts for a second but heals fine.always works for me.good luck!

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

yes i have and cor are they sore i was in agony i squeezed mine and the hair popped out, usually thought they eventually come out on their own without any help, try putting some savlon cream on it thought that might help with the soreness

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

I have had this problem! Just pluck the hair out with steezers! It may hurt a bit, but its def worth it

Has anyone ever had an ingrown hair on their bikini line? how did you treat it?

Tweezers can be a bit painful - I've used a sewing pin (pour boiling water over to sterilize) and gently tease the hair out - the skin doesnt tend to break as much - and then make sure to put some kind of antiseptic cream on.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

an ingrown hair is just that...a hair that was lost due to shaving, pulling, falling out, etc that regrows and doesn't pierce through the hole it's intended, causing pain/redness/infection. a cyst is just a fluid filled sac that can fill for numerous reasons from acne to infection.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

One is just a ingrown hair, and one is an infected ingrown hair,

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

I believe a cyst is fluid under the skin and an ingrown hair is a hair that grew in wrong and is still under the skin.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

Cysts hurt and won't go away. I have one. Cysts are more common in fingers. Cysts, when you touch it, it feels like a hard sack of fluid too. Hope this helps!

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

pluck them out lol

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

try using nair

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

It depends on where the hair is, but rolling unscented deodorant on the area right after you shave can really reduce ingrown hair.

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?


How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

look my boyfriend has the same problem anything you do dont use nair it will irrited you skin,,, try to grow your hair for a week then go to a beauty shop and wax,,, the ingrow hair is little hairs that you dont let come out becuase you keep shaving,,, so just wax,,, if you dont believe me try nair and it like irritated you skin,,, then try to wax

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

Wax it, man, maybe it will be kind of painful, but ur a guys so deal with it. :)

How to get rid of ingrown hair after shaving?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

How to care for ingrown hair?

I agree get some tweezers but steralize them first then pull it out then put alchol on it then Neosporen!

Yep that would be the right answer at lest it has worked for me!

Good Luck!

How to care for ingrown hair?

you probably wont like this answer but you need to pull it out with a pair of tweezers.

What is ingrown hair??

Is it unhealthy??

What is ingrown hair??

An ingrown hair is a hair that curls and penetrates the skin with its tip, causing inflammation. Ingrown hairs are more common among people with very curly hair.

Lots more info here:

or here:

What is ingrown hair??

An ingrown hair is a hair that doesn't grow outside of the skin. It will curl up under the skin and has to be removed with tweezers. It is pretty painful and can become infected if not taken care of.

What is ingrown hair??

its natural..

its usually the hair you can see on your skin but its not actually outside so you cant remove it.

What is ingrown hair??

Hair that has been blocked from growing out. No but I believe it is normal

What is ingrown hair??

yes, it can cause deep tissue infections and introduce bacteria into your system.

And it's unsightly--puss-filled red welts are NOT attractive.

What is ingrown hair??

Nothing to worry about. It is just a hair that doesn't grow out of the skin happens all the time sometimes it can hurt some but nothing you can't handle.

What is ingrown hair??

it is often caused by shaving or tight clothing. It curls under the skin and gets stuck before growing out. It can get inflammed and infected. It is normal, you just need to keep it clean and possible use tweezers to pull it out.

What is ingrown hair??

its an hair that's grown but not broken through %26amp; its bent over %26amp; headed back towards the root still growing.

It WILL turn septic if you dont pierce the skin slightly with a needle %26amp; help it out then pluck it %26amp; treat the area with antiseptic

What is ingrown hair??

No its not unhealthy. Ingrown hair is basically hair trying to grow where another hair is already at. You can have them anywhere. You can have them on your legs, butt or even your private area. Its noting serious.

What is ingrown hair??

If you shave too close the hair can grow into the skin,that's why your supposed to shave with the grain not against.

What is ingrown hair??

Its a hair that begins growing out, but for some reason it turns and grows back into the skin. Unhealthy? No I don't guess they are but they can become infected sometimes and painful

Solution for ingrown hair and razor bumps?

what is the solution? and how to prevent it from happening again?

Solution for ingrown hair and razor bumps?

Why don't you buy bikini zone. I used that after I'd shaved and it works.

Solution for ingrown hair and razor bumps?

wash the area with face wash and put baby oil on it when your skin is still wet.

Solution for ingrown hair and razor bumps?

The site below discusses the problem in more detail. Basically, avoid shaving too close and you need to experiment to find the products that work well with your skin.

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.

Its all dark... was itchy at some point... no hair is showing to start tweezing with... its at the bikini area. Thanks!

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.?

Prick it with sterilized needle.

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.?

scratch your nail over it - this will expose the hair - then you can tweeze it. It may not be ready - I would take a hot shower and then immediately afterward take a nice steril pin and poke it. Then kind of try to scratch it with the pin point. It will hurt but eventually the hair will be exposed - it will be like a pimple if it is really irritated. puss and stuff will be in there with the hair. Pinch it if you can. This can help.

Good luck with it. Ingrown hairs are so horrible!!

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.?

hot wax will do?

show me a pic of it, maybe i can help.

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.?

Soak it with a warm tea bag. Take a needle and dig.

How do I get rid of ingrown hair , probably from shaving... its been there for probably a month now.?

i dont know but its going to hert like hell

What's ingrown hair?

When a strand of hair, grows underneath the skin causing a bump and pain

What's ingrown hair?

ingrown hair is when a hair grows, but does not follow its righteous path to lead penetrate your skin membrane. instead it's path is plugged (usually by skin cells that form your epidermis -- outer layer of skin) and so it remains inside your skin. usually this occurs when you shave your legs, as you remove skin cells as well. they reform over areas where hair is meant to grow. try moisturizing after ;)

What's ingrown hair?

It's just what it says it is. It's a hair that turns and grows back into the skin. It looks like a big pimple and is generally very sore.

Bikini Line...Open pores and ingrown hair?

Ladies ...i have alot of hair and whenever i shaved my bikini line it seems to grow back faster and now it's starting to get a little darker than my natural skin color....a friend of mine said it's razor burn.(I am brown in complexion)Should i wax and maybe it will help the darkness or some one told me about tend skin,they said it helps with the 'razor burn' and oh dose anyone knows how to hide or avoid open pores?Is teh darkness normal ..does anyone have the same problem?

Bikini Line...Open pores and ingrown hair?

first of all, i would definitely wax or go to a salon to be waxed to keep razor burn from happening. razor burn normally looks like ingrown hair or small infected pores on the skin, and can sometimes be bright red, though most likely not on your brown-toned skin.

the wax should last about 4-6 weeks. the hair must be at least 1/4'' for the wax to take hold and pull it out, so you might need to wait a week or two if you've just shaved.

it will also help with the appearance of large pores, as that is also partially caused by shaving - the hair growing back makes the pores look large.

it is normal for the hair to be darker than your skin or the hair on your head. and you can't stop that from happening through waxing or shaving ... sorry.

Bikini Line...Open pores and ingrown hair?

I have really dark hair and have searched for the best bikini remedy for years. I think waxing is the way to go. You need to give yourself a week or more rest in between waxings and you need to make sure you are scrubbing your bikini line with an exfoliating sponge or something like that so that you don't get ingrown hairs. Lay off the shaving for a while and try the waxing. Hurts, but it is worth it. If you are dark skinned, you might try Veet (a cream).

Bikini Line...Open pores and ingrown hair?

for the ingrown hairs and red areas you should use Bikini Zone cream, it works like a charm.

What is ingrown hair?

Just wondering what the symptoms can someone please tell me? Also, how can you get rid of them? Or do they just gradually go away?


What is ingrown hair?

Uh i don't know ask your doctor!!!

What is ingrown hair?

An Ingrown hair often starts out looking lik a pimple. But, unlike a pimple it just keeps getting worse. The hair is actually growing back into your skin, this will cause a painful and sometimes infected bump.

Squeezing it sometimes will make the hair pop out and you can pull it. If it gets really infected or irritated you might have to go to the Dr.

Mine never get that bad. I usually just squeeze on them like a pimple until the little hair pops out.


What is ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair is where the hair grows but never penetrates the top layer of skin. It grows just underneath the surface and can be painful. Also the area can become a red bump or have a pimple head on it. It is easier to loosen the hair if you stand in a warm shower then carefully take a pair of tweezers and pluck it out. Be careful though because it can be pretty painful when tweezing. Sometimes there isnt a bump or pimple head, but you can see the hair underneath the surface. If you don't get it out, it will just continue growing and curling underneath the skin and it will become more painful. If you have severe problems with ingrown hairs you may want to visit a Dr. to see what they recommend. Also you may want to try exfoliating the area every now and then to prevent them in the future. HTH

What is ingrown hair?

Ingrown hairs happen when the hair curls back inward rather than poking through the surface of your skin. This is common among people who shave, especially if you shave against the direction of growth or if you shave frequently or very close. The most common symptom is little red bumps on your skin, although sometimes it may itch as well. If you are prone to ingrown hairs like me, if you go out in the cold and get goosebumps a day or two after shaving, you may also feel a stinging feeling. Ingrown hairs usually resolve themselves given enough time, but you can pluck them with tweezers or exfoliate to help it along. Some lotions also claim to help. You should also keep an eye out for infections, which could cause scarring. You can prevent ingrown hairs by exfoliating frequently, shaving in the same direction as the hair growth, shaving after soaking in warm water which softens the hair, or trying a different type of hair removal (some people find waxing better, some find it worse -- personally, it gives me less trouble. Hair remover creams have never caused me trouble either). Hope this helps!

What is ingrown hair?

rub some ear wax on it at night it works!

Can an ingrown hair get a little itchy and give you a little tiny redish bump???????

Yes. It can also get worse and become infected, and these can turn a really unnatural purple!

Best thing is to let it fix itself, but put a little neosporin on it every day to keep it from developing a secondary infection. If you pick at it, you'll make a scar, but if you let it go, it'll grow slowly until it works its way out. Sometimes it'll get a little dry looking, flaky- then you can scratch it and it'll come off, follicle and all. Doesn't hurt, doesn't scar, but requires patience for a week or more.

Best of luck!

Can an ingrown hair get a little itchy and give you a little tiny redish bump???????

Yes, it can.

Can an ingrown hair get a little itchy and give you a little tiny redish bump???????

100% Yes

Can an ingrown hair get a little itchy and give you a little tiny redish bump???????

yeah and sometimes they get infected.

Can an ingrown hair get a little itchy and give you a little tiny redish bump???????

Yes, definitely. Ugh, shaving is awful! I got waxed once and I wish I could afford to do it all the time. No ingrown hairs.

Someone with ingrown hair problems on your face. Have you tried an electric razor? Better or worse?

My husband has the worst problem with this. We've tried everything from different razors to switching shaving cream, but to no avail. Marie Claire has an article in the January 2007 issue that features a product called Ingrown Hair Night Cream from The Art of Shaving. Works wonders! Also, if you can get away with shaving less frequently, that will help also.

Someone with ingrown hair problems on your face. Have you tried an electric razor? Better or worse?

Hmm usually when I go electric I will break out for a week or two as your face gets used to the metal and your hair grows out right for the way the new razor cuts so if you try electric stick with it for a few weeks and see after that. You might be shaving too close. It is recommended that you shave only in the direction of the hair growth... if you shave with the hair growth like you sweep your razor downwards, then you shouldn't go back the other direction and sweep it upwards... getting too close of a shave for some guys is the reason you get ingrown hairs.

Brazilian wax...ingrown hair prone...any cure / avoidance methods?

When I shave down there, I rub some Secret Solid on my hands and apply it to the area just after shaving. You might try that on the area afte waxing too. It helps me a lot.

How do I prevent ingrown hair and razor burn on face?

How can I prevent this? I am using an electric razor on it after I get out of the shower and wash my face and I am going to use a victoria secret very sexy for him aftershave..will this help me prevent it?

How do I prevent ingrown hair and razor burn on face?

invest in a good razor, and try to switch the blades as often as you can afford, the number one cause of ingrown hairs are dull blades. also make sure you ALWAYS wet your face and use shaving cream before you shave.

How do I prevent ingrown hair and razor burn on face?

Arbonne Has a great shaving cream!! That will really help!!

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it ..

from getting impacted in the SAME place ALL the time?

It's so gross............. would laser hair removal eliminate this issue or what?

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

Laser Hair Removal would be a great solution. If it is a "limited" area that you need to treat, that could also bring the price down dramatically. You can to go to, they have a number of different providers there and if you call them they can give you different price options.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

thats weird

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

Yes; laser hair removal is permanent; if you must remove the hair, and can afford the treatment, it's certainly the way to go.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

You should talk to your doctor about this problem...cuz i have no idea i never had that problem before. Its best to ask your doctor since he/she will know alot more about this than others on here.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

you HAVE to. oh my

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

do you really HAVE TO shave there

thats the reason you are getting all

the ingrown hairs

if you have the $$$ for lazer removal ,go for it

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

laser removal would stop it. try changing from shaving to such products like Nair that remove hair without needing to shave. Worked for me, used to have the same problem.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

Yes....laser would take care of this...

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

My wife Say's that this very common. Try have a bikini waxing done and it will usually clear it up and you can usually go back to shaving after that. Laser hair removal would eliminate this problem completely. They remove the roots. Good luck with this problem it can be very uncomfortable..

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

remember to cleanse the area after you've shaved it (at beauty salons you'll find a lot of alcohol-based cleansers that kill bacteria on the skin). a lot of it is that people forget to clean off the area after shaving it, and that causes the ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal would eliminate the issue, but it is -very- expensive. If you're rich, I'd go for it, but if not, just keep shaving. Also, waxing avoids a lot of the problems that shaving gives you, and lasts 4 weeks. :)

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

Just let your pubes grow out and yank out the offending one by the roots.

(You can stop shaving there for a couple of days can't you?)

And of course, the reason it's ingrown is because you're shaving so close that the hair is actually below the skin line and grows back into your skin.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

try bikini zone

you can find it at most walmarts and targets

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

my girls and I wax. but if you just have one nasty spot you just need to pluck. you can ice it first. Just know you have to grow out that little hair a bit, don't dig for it and keep it clean with alcohol till its up a little. I know some people are laughing

but its painful! (and sure, laser would keep it gone !)

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

shave downwards. but if you have an ingrown that just wont go away try to pluck it out with tweezers, it wont feel good but it probably wont come back

good luck!!

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

My gyno says that if you shave too often and get ingrown hairs, they can turn into sebaceous cysts and you have to get those lanced...OUCH!!!!! Definitely shave with a bikini zone type gel, and after shaving (downward, always) rinse with cool/cold water. After you get out of the shower, apply an antibiotic cream like neosporin or polysporin, especially on the ingrown hair. Best to pluck it for now to get the root. Next time, try waxing, laser, or let it grow...the world will not end, if you don't shave as often. Also, I noticed that letting it grow for a couple weeks, then using a hair trimmer, you can't get quite as close, but it helps, lots easier, and quicker.

I keep getting an ingrown hair in the same (pubic) area I HAVE TO shave here, so how do I stop it .....?

Try using Bikini Zone products, or start using an electric shaver instead of a razor. Laser hair removal is supposed to be permanent, but it's very expensive. It will probably cost about $2000 to do the entire bikini area. Each treatment costs about $350, and it takes about six or seven treatments to permanently remove the hair.

Watt causes ingrown hair???

There are a few causes.

One cause is that the hair follicle grows inside the pore by growing / being bent inward into the pore..

Another cause is that skin grows over the hair pore, causing the ingrown hair.

Watt causes ingrown hair???

Skin grows over where the hair folicle is. the hair

starts go grow underneath the skin. Then a pocket of pus forms and a red bump forms. Usually you can pop the pus and create a hole for the hair to pop back out into the open. :-)

How do i releive an ingrown hair?

squeeze it hard and then pull it out.

How do i releive an ingrown hair?

pull it out

How do i releive an ingrown hair?

Take it out with tweezers

How do i releive an ingrown hair?

Pluck it and apply aniseptic and then ice to close it.

How do i releive an ingrown hair?

Buy something at the pharmacy called drawing sav... It helps to draw it to the surface when you can then use tweezers to pull it out. Then use some hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound.

Should I be concerned? Ingrown hair or...?

Just this morning i found a sore on the upper part of the inner labia of my vagina. I was wondering what this could be. I haven't been sexually active in 8 months so I don't think it's an STD. But then again it's not everyday you get a sore that burns to the touch. It's an open sore too. I'm only 15 and I don't want to tell my mom because she will just think I'm messing around with guys and that's definitely not the case. What do you think it is? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!

Should I be concerned? Ingrown hair or...?

i honestly think u are too young to be having sex but i wouldnt be scared to talk to my mom. better to be in trouble than wait to tell her and its too late to do anything. so just get it over with now and hopefully its nothing major and u can move on with life. good luck.

Should I be concerned? Ingrown hair or...?

You should probably go get it checked simply for your own peace of mind. Planned Parenthood will treat you without your parent's consent. Hair doesn't usually grow on the inner labia, so it may be something else. Only a doctor can tell you for certain. Until you are sure, don't be sexually active!

Should I be concerned? Ingrown hair or...?

Well, it could be an std like herpes. And if it is herpes, it could take months or years for anything like a sore to show up. And some people with an std don't even know they have an std because they have no signs at all. Anyone that is sexually active should always get checked for std's regularly for your own health and state of mind. I would definitely be checked just to be on the safe side. But shaving down there could also cause bumps or infections. You should definitely get checked out for your own piece of mind.

Should I be concerned? Ingrown hair or...?

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww if you think you are old and smart enough to have sex, then you also have to deal with the consequences. time to grow up. talk to your mother!!!

How can men prevent ingrown hair on their face?

I would say exfoliating 2-3 times a week and using witch hazel after shaving each time.

How can men prevent ingrown hair on their face?

By shaving.

How can men prevent ingrown hair on their face?

use a electric razor

How can men prevent ingrown hair on their face?

Also by shaving with a sharp fresh razor I would guess. A dull one causes more bumps which probably leads to ingrown hair. I get them every now and then. Not sure how, but I suspect it is because I don't change out my razor enough. They are really aggrivating to get out!

How can men prevent ingrown hair on their face?

shave with the grain of the facial hair

Has anyone had an ingrown hair and how do you get rid of it?

Mine is a little black eyelash stuck under the skin of the top of my eyelid, and that explains the pimple I had there over my eye!

I have tried everything-tweezers, ice cubes, warm towel, exfoliating, etc!

My mum has called a few doctors, and they are all busy for the next couple of days!

Did I make it worse? Am I a freak?


Has anyone had an ingrown hair and how do you get rid of it?

if it is painful then just dont touch it until u consult a doctor, u dint make it worse n dont worry its usual eye problem for many people who r allergics.

Has anyone had an ingrown hair and how do you get rid of it?

You should stop messing with it for a while, that includes putting makeup on your eyelashes and stuff like that, too. I had that before and the best thing you can do is leave it alone and stop messing with your eyelashes. It will work itself out. It happens.

Has anyone had an ingrown hair and how do you get rid of it?

go see an optometrist and they will pluck it out for you, if it keeps happening you might need to see an eyelid specialist.

Has anyone had an ingrown hair and how do you get rid of it?

I should see an ophthalmologist. But in the meantime, make a cup of tea, then take the teabag and lie it on top of the hair. The tanic acid in the tea "draws", which may help it to raise closer to the surface. An ingrown hair under the skin resembles a very tightly wound spring, so tweezers will not work.

I have an infected ingrown hair on my leg. what is it and how can i treat it??

be fast...take it out either with tweezer or approach doctor. cause in grown hair can cause a lot of can cause a pustule or a cyst which if deteriorated will have to be removed surgically. so dont ignore it.

I have an infected ingrown hair on my leg. what is it and how can i treat it??

pull it out with tweezers .

I have an infected ingrown hair on my leg. what is it and how can i treat it??

dont twizz it coz its already infected.. go to doc asap

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Did it really gross you out? That had to be the grosest question yet.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Yes, and I thought I was going to die! That was wayyyy TMI!

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

I did... and I didn't know what to say to it. Yuck.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Get over it, it could be something serious.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

That person has a sick imagination.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

nasty nasty nasty!!!! yes I did but wished I hadn't

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

yes. i clicked on it.

omg *pukes*


tmi tmi

lol %26lt;3

no offense but i didnt need to noe that, no disrespect thoo

best of luck. my wisehs to ya!

Did you click on Ingrown hair?


Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Yes it was gross... she should get her boyfriend to see a doctor not post it for all to see

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

haha, yes.

That will teach me~

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

yes, it was disgusting, i dont see how that girl could stay with that guy. GROSS

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

yes and i wished i hadn't.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Just another ? asked in the wrong category.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

yea ewww

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

I hate to admit it but yeah I did

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Haha yeah I did and it was pretty gross there. However if you are on here long time there are worse things. Now that is disturbing

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

yes, it had a little too much info.

i was eating a bowl vanilla of ice cream and just spat out the one in my mouth after i read the question

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

I did and I regret it and I wish she had put that under heath questions! That was disgusting!!!!!

And she put her bf's personal problem all out there!

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

Yes, but I wished I didn't.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

No I didn't.

Did you click on Ingrown hair?

The bit about the green puss bit gushing out ,Freaked me out !!!

Can your scalp have ingrown hair?

Yes if you have curly hair, the hair some times curls before it come out which then will back up. The best thing for that is to have someone go thourgh your hair with tweezeers and then take a warm cloth to the spot.

Can your scalp have ingrown hair?


Can your scalp have ingrown hair?

yes, happens often.

Can your scalp have ingrown hair?

I would think that "anywhere" there are hair follicles you can get an ingrown hair......

Can your scalp have ingrown hair?

Yes it is possible, it happens more with Afro Caribbean hair or very curly hair. Make sure you comb the hair everyday to prevent it.

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

my legs, my armpits, down there, and even my face!!

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?


Be smart and go see you're doctor. Ingrown hairs get infected so easy and can sometimes boil up on you.

There may be something he can prescribe to prevent it.

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

Wax the hair off, it pulls it out from the inside so when it grows back it isn't split from maybe shaving or using nair.

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

wash with palm-olive soap.. the original formula.. do not shave for one week.. your skin should begin to push all the hairs out.. you may have to help them.. scratch'em open.. the once you get no more red bumps.. ingrown hairs.. shave like normal.. and use cocoa butter every night .. continue the palm-olive.. i do it everynight because i used to get problems too.. my friends grandma told me .. it works.!!

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

It is possible you have folliculitis. It looks a lot like ingrown hairs. Check out this link and read about it. If you do, you need to get some anti-biotics to treat it internally.

Caution- some gross pictures!

If it is really in grown hairs check out this site:

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

I don't know if your a guy or girl, yet there is a cream that you can get from your doctor.

Guy: the cream, and on your face, make sure your razor is clean and replace regularly.

Girl: I said ouch, at this one, but my doc told me to get waxed once in awhile, legs, down there. cream and same with the razor.

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

use an anit-ingrown product, there are a few on the market. Or get electrolyosis or laser hair removal which are both permanent hair removal. If too expensive try epilators. If it doesn't work get hold of an exfoliating glove and scrub in circular movements and (a bit harder on rough areas, softer on ur face). Do that everyday.

I suffer from ingrowns too, though only wherever i wax or shave. Waxing is bad to me.

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

i think there are products you can get at walgreens %26amp; places that treat ingrowns. they say waxing will reduce if not eliminate ingrowns though so you may want to try it if you have a big wallet

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

i know when you shave "down there" you should shave the way your hair grows...that way you don't get ingrown hairs

How do i stop ingrown hair, i have it everywhere...?

Ewww... grosss....sounds like you have a severe case of folliculitis which can cause acne and other problems

I have gotten this on occasion but no where near as severe as you'll see in the pictures from the link I put on here. When this happens I make sure I'm using a clean razor and a high quality skin care product ( Then I let my hair grow for a while. This usually clears up the problem for me.

Your skin is probably getting irritated because of your poor diet and what you choose to shave with, and not properly prepping for a shave, although the makers of Barbisol and Edge gel don't want you to know this.

I would make sure you are eating the right foods, exercising and drinking the right liquids, and see a skin care specialist, preferably one who isn't trained in western medicine. Western practitioners just wanna get you hooked on their prescription drugs

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Get a good exfoliator body polish and use it about twice a week to keep the skin smooth and the hairs free. Also moisturise every time you get out the shower or bath.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

I don't think you really can. I usually pluck mine out after a couple days when I see that there starting to look like an ingrown.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

hmm waxing

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

a good exfoliant any with almonds are great but it doesnt really matter and some exfolianting gloves use it twice a week on the area also avoid wearing tight fitting clothes after waxing for about 48hrs and avoid over touching the area after waxing hope i was of some help

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

use a loofah and scrub dead skin cells away.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Use a lufa to gently scrub your skin! do it often so they won't pop up all of a sudden!

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

exfoliate heaps!

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Make sure to exfoliate daily. The best daily exfoliator IMO is a clean cotton wash cloth. A few times a week, use a scrub (my fav and cheapest is coarse sea salt mixed with vitamin e oil.) You can also use a product called "tend skin" It can be used daily to get rid of razor bumps and then 3-4 times a week to prevent them. You apply it 3-4 days before your waxing apointment

Getting rid of ingrown hair that is 5 years old and now has skin grown over?

it looks like a wart and irritates me both physically and psychologically. it itches in a weird way sometimes.

Getting rid of ingrown hair that is 5 years old and now has skin grown over?

Not all of us can afford a dermatologist , but what I am fix in to tell you works. They sale some stuff called boil ease, get a tube. This will numb the spot. Then get a pointed pair of tweezers preferably a new pair. Then with the pointed end flat side down tear off the top and then kind of squeeze it . If need be take off more til you get it. Dint for get to sanitize you tweezers .Trust me this works but be sure you get it all because the skin gets tougher every time you mess with it. Good luck!

Getting rid of ingrown hair that is 5 years old and now has skin grown over?

go to the dermatologist.

Getting rid of ingrown hair that is 5 years old and now has skin grown over?

Maybe u should have taken care of it 5 yrs ago..huh

Do what the first guy said...

I have an Ingrown hair in my anal area it has been there for about 4 month. it has spread any advice

I am kinda worried that it is something more serious please help me.

I have an Ingrown hair in my anal area it has been there for about 4 month. it has spread any advice?

I would think you would need to see the doc about this. Could be a cyst also.

How to care for ingrown hair?

I agree get some tweezers but steralize them first then pull it out then put alchol on it then Neosporen!

Yep that would be the right answer at lest it has worked for me!

Good Luck!

How to care for ingrown hair?

you probably wont like this answer but you need to pull it out with a pair of tweezers.

What can use for ingrown hair bumps on neck?

pluck the hair,

What can use for ingrown hair bumps on neck?

the less u wear the more u need NAIR

How do you combat ingrown hair pimples?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

You can pluck it out if this is a rare occurence. There are special razors and treatments for this if it happens often though. Its called psuedofoliculitis barbiae as a regular happening to the skin. Exfoliation of the skin will reduce the chances of hairs becoming ingrown. But in the case of psuedo, there are items in the ethnic hair section of stores for this since african-americans are more prone to the condition than whites. Its okay for everyone though.

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

pluck it...its a normal occurance.

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

Get the twezzers and try to dig it out, or esle it could get infected.

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

locate a pair of tweezers and pluck it...usually an ingrown hair will look like an inverted "u" with both arms in the skin...

as for prevention (of ingrown hairs), i don't have an answer for that

BTW...might not be a bad idea to dip the tweezers into some rubbing alcohol to sterilize before plucking

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

tweezers - pull out the hair, put something inflamed/infected skin on it to clean and sanitise it. In future save with sharp blades and in the direction the hair grows, so on you face - shave down, not up.

My husband has a ingrown hair on his face from shaving, how do you get rid of it?

Pluck it %26lt;smiles%26gt;

What is an Ingrown hair?

ive never heard of this in my life, can someone please explain to me what it is

What is an Ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair is one that never comes above the surface. It continues to grow, under the skin and sometimes causes a bump to form.

é–³?br>What is an Ingrown hair?

It's a trapped hair follicle under the skin. Sometimes when you wax or shave, your alter the direction of the hair growth and the hair sometimes grows under the skin instead of growing out of the skin. You can sometimes see the hair as a dark bump under the skin. It can usually be lifted out by gently exfoliating the skin.

What is an Ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair is a condition where the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. It may or may not be accompanied by an infection of the hair follicle (folliculitis) or "razor bumps" (Pseudofolliculitis barbae). While ingrown hair most commonly appears in areas where the skin is shaved (beard, legs, pubic region), it can appear anywhere.

What is an Ingrown hair?

It's when a hair grows under the skin and never comes out and it hurt like heck it forms a knot and sometimes becomes infected. Tou can sometimes take a needle and stick it in the bump and get it out and sometimes you have to have a Dr. cut it out

What causes an ingrown hair?

Can you prevent it? (It's on my bikini area...I shave everyday, could that be why?)

What causes an ingrown hair?

Ingrown hairs can be caused by skin cells blocking the hair follicle, so the hair cannot pass through. It can also be caused by skin being irritated, so the opening of the hair follicle swells shut, again not allowing the hair passage. Shaving your bikini area daily is NOT a good thing, especially if your skin is very sensitive and you've got skin irritation already. Shave only every 2-3 days, and try a cream called Bikini Zone.

What causes an ingrown hair?

clogged pores...use warm cloths and place on the ingrown hair to unclog the pore.

What causes an ingrown hair?

ANY ingrown hair is caused by growth of the hair trapped by the outer layer of the skin. Which means, if you don't shave SO CLOSE, it won't happen.

Most shaver pulls the hair slightly before it cuts. That makes a closer shave, but it can be too close. When it retracts, the top of the hair is actually under the skin. If the hole of the skin closes, then hair has no places to go! Thus if it cannot penetrate the skin, it grows under the skin, side ways.

Perhaps you are being too agressive and shaving too close.

What causes an ingrown hair?

Try to cut back to shaving everyother day. I did and I stopped getting ingrown hairs in my bikini area. That area has sensitive skin so let it breathe for a day before it gets irritated again with a razor.

What causes an ingrown hair?

It is where the skin if over the hari follicle thing so the hair cannot get out. I used to get them all the time on my legs from waxing. The answer is exfoliating which rmoves the skin.

Im not sure if shaving everyday has caused it but if this is the case are you sure it an ingrown hair not just an irritation?hope this helps xxx

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

i have them on the backs of my thighs! they are embarressing hay!!!

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

This is what you do, you go to the doctor and ask him to diagnose you.

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

get something called a cactus cloth

it prevents them it really works

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

i m solving ur prob but u have fraindship with me?

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

ok, get one of those asian body wash cloths. When bathing lather the wash cloths well and scrub your body with it. Don't scrub so hard that you'll start to bleed. Nor do no scrub until you are red either. Do this to all parts on your body every time you bathe. After a week or so all the ingrown hairs should be gone. And then you'll end up with a hairy arm and leg. hahaha. But the reason for your ingrown hairs is cuz you don't clean your skin correctly and all the dirt and oil gets clogged where your hair suppose to grow out of. like a pimple it'll grow. So keep it clean and you're good to go.

I suffer from ingrown hair in my legs and arms?how can i solve this,plsss help me!!!?

The source below discusses the ingrown hair problem and might help you out.

www.healthy-skincare .com

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Hair bumps in the genital area (cooter) can be a double-edge sword. One side of the sword means the area became irritated because you did not use any lubricant gel before attempting to shave, thus an ingrown hair developed and turned inward. Healing will take time, but pain will remain. The other side of the hair bump could indicate an infection in the system and that infection is coming out from beneath the ingrown hair. Don't lance it yourself, but go to the doctor and have the sore drained and analyzed. It could be more than you expected. However, don't panic until you have sought medical treatment. Do not try the Self-medicating solution.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Yes, but it could just be a heat sore. Consult your gyno! Not Yahoo!

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

yes. I hear it's very painful and some people have to get them lanced.(cut)

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

yEP! I have had it happen twice. It looks like a bump and is the size of a pea, maybe a little bit bigger. I had to ride it out both times. Just remember to always shave with the hair, not against it. This will prevent it from happening again. : )

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Absolutely but go to your gyno just to be safe.... ya never know....

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

you can get an in-grown hair anywhere that hair grows but not in places where it doesnt.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Yep you sure can, but are you sure it's just an ingrown hair? If you get them frequently and/or get them under the breasts and armpits, you need to have a dermotologist rule out Hidradenitis Supportiva.

Put some Tea Tree Oil on the bump. It will relieve pain and help it rupture faster.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

It's possible, I had a friend who thought it was an ingrown hair and it turned out to be herpes. Get it checked out by a doctor.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Sounds like your Bartholin's cyst is blocked, or infected. Go see your gynae/GP. Stop typing, go now!!!

I have an Ingrown hair in my anal area it has been there for about 4 month. it has spread any advice

I am kinda worried that it is something more serious please help me.

I have an Ingrown hair in my anal area it has been there for about 4 month. it has spread any advice?

I would think you would need to see the doc about this. Could be a cyst also.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

does baby powder and that pouffy sponge help?

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

There are some suggestions on this website that I have not personally tried, but they might I will now.

Hot bath, Vaseline, cortizone cream? ...Hmm, interesting. :)

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

Definitely the puffy sponge AND lotion, keep the area moisturized. I have also read that Dove moisturizing deodorant stick helps with preventing shaving bumps, even 'down there'. I have not heard that baby powder helps.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

No. Baby powder does not help ingrown hair and itchiness. If anything-it would clog your pores even MORE severely!

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

1. Use a sharp razor

2. Only shave WITH the direction of hair growth

3. If you still get bumps, put a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream on the area when you get out of the bath.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

LJ got it right.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

You cant prevent it. The hair is too coarse.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

Indeed it does.

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

baby power will not work well..but lotion will..hmm.. i dont knoe about the ingrown hair..u just have to leave it till it grows..u cud only keep it moisturized to prevent it from itchiness..or u will have to use a special razor..

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

i've done it, and i've never experience any discomfort, and i do not apply anything to my skin.

guess i'm one of the few lucky, huh?

Shaving down there prevent ingrown hair and itchyness?

Buy a bottle of Tend Skin lotion to prevent irritation. It won't prevent ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs are caused by whatever shaving instrument you are using. Don't use a manual razor and shaving cream to shave. A manual razor will tear up your skin. Use an electric shaver and baby powder. I recommend the Seiko Cleancut Shaver because it's the best pubic hair shaver on the market.

I have a ingrown hair problem on butt! It is very swollen and hurts so bad that i cant even sit down

Do not be embarrassed, as I know you are. Try to pluck the hair out. If you can't do it yerself.........get someone you trust to help you.

I have a ingrown hair problem on butt! It is very swollen and hurts so bad that i cant even sit down and sleep

Dig 'er out!

I have a ingrown hair problem on butt! It is very swollen and hurts so bad that i cant even sit down and sleep

take tweezers and try to remove the hair but make sure the tool is cleansed with alcohol, or ask someone to help like your mom, then take some neosproian to put on it

I have a ingrown hair problem on butt! It is very swollen and hurts so bad that i cant even sit down and sleep

i agree with meat loaf. basically you have to treat it like a pimple. try to place hot water on it. this will soften the skin then just sqeeze it till it pop's sound's like if it's swollen then there's puss in there and will pop like a pimple. besides how do you know it's not a pimple. either way doesnt matter.

just dig er out

Ever get an ingrown hair in your nose? what do you do for it?

just get you some tweezers and pull it out, then it will heal up and stop the hurt

Ever get an ingrown hair in your nose? what do you do for it?

Nope, I bet it hurts like hell. I had on on the back of my neck, and had my wife pull it out with a twizer, it hurted for a sec, but then felt much better after pulling it. Dont cut it, u have to get the whole root of the hair out, pull it, quick !

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Get a good exfoliator body polish and use it about twice a week to keep the skin smooth and the hairs free. Also moisturise every time you get out the shower or bath.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

I don't think you really can. I usually pluck mine out after a couple days when I see that there starting to look like an ingrown.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

hmm waxing

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

a good exfoliant any with almonds are great but it doesnt really matter and some exfolianting gloves use it twice a week on the area also avoid wearing tight fitting clothes after waxing for about 48hrs and avoid over touching the area after waxing hope i was of some help

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

use a loofah and scrub dead skin cells away.

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Use a lufa to gently scrub your skin! do it often so they won't pop up all of a sudden!

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

exfoliate heaps!

Ho do i prevent ingrown hair after waxing?

Make sure to exfoliate daily. The best daily exfoliator IMO is a clean cotton wash cloth. A few times a week, use a scrub (my fav and cheapest is coarse sea salt mixed with vitamin e oil.) You can also use a product called "tend skin" It can be used daily to get rid of razor bumps and then 3-4 times a week to prevent them. You apply it 3-4 days before your waxing apointment

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My daughter has an ingrown hair and a boil thats painful.?

it is the size of a fifty cent peice and is very painful. what should she do? should she go to the doctor? wil it enetually go away on its own?

My daughter has an ingrown hair and a boil thats painful.?

have it lanced

My daughter has an ingrown hair and a boil thats painful.?

Try buying some tea tree oil and covering the boil with that - it is a natural antiseptic that doesn't hurt and works extremely well for things like that. Whenever I get an ingrown hair or an ingrown toenail, I douse it with tea tree oil and cover it with a band-aid, and within a day or two it's healed. If it doesn't get better in 2-3 days though, she should see a doctor.

My daughter has an ingrown hair and a boil thats painful.?

Go to the doctor. Don't wait for it to go away on its own, my dad tried that and he ended up in the ER, he's one of those guys who 'doesn't need a doctor for nuthin'. The boil can get larger, spread over the body or under the skin, and/or turn into a really bad infection.

My daughter has an ingrown hair and a boil thats painful.?

She really should be seen by a doctor. There is always the risk of M.R.S.A. if not treated properly.Until you can get in to see the doc, before she goes to bed, crack open an egg. Throw the egg itself away. Tear the skin off the inside of the shell. Put it on the boil and leave overnight. It should bring the boil to a head so you can pop it.Make sure to try and get the center core out so it wont keep coming back.

I have a painful ingrown hair on pubic bone from shaving...what will help get rid of it and relieve

Try a warm compress,Or tweezers if you can get a hold of it.

I have a painful ingrown hair on pubic bone from shaving...what will help get rid of it and relieve the pain.?

Ah I feel your pain!! Try polysporin.. it seemed to disinfect and dry it out.. sometimes they come with nasty white heads. Have a nice hot bath and lay in there for a while. It'll start to come out slowly.. and then you can try to squeeze it out when it becomes less painful.

I have a painful ingrown hair on pubic bone from shaving...what will help get rid of it and relieve the pain.?

If you wait a few days, you may be able to see the hair just under the skin. That's the point where I attack it with the tweezers and pull that awful hair out. After that you'll be good to go!

How to avoid having ingrown hair on the legs after waxing?

Exfoliate your legs three or four times a week while you're in the shower. The best way to do that is gently rub them with a wash cloth or a bath sponge.

How to avoid having ingrown hair on the legs after waxing?

Wait for the skin to close a bit (1-2 days) then, when you take a shower, lighly rub cheap baking soda over it. It opens the poors a bit and sluffs off the dead skin that prevents the hair from coming through. it is not a 100% effective thing, but it does reduce the amount

Ingrown Hair-became infected-Doc only gave me anit-biotic pill-anybody know of an ointment I can use

Is there a cream or lotion or something that may help soothe/cure more quickly...Hurts to stand up/sit down or walk...pretty much only comfortable if I lay down on my side or stomach...problem is I work for a living like everyone else and can't afford time out of work. Please help...

Ingrown Hair-became infected-Doc only gave me anit-biotic pill-anybody know of an ointment I can use?

Try Neosporin. It's a triple antibiotic ointment. You can buy it at the grocery store or drug store.

Is this an Ingrown Hair?

I have what looks like a Pimple on my leg, kinda in the "bikini" area, but i am a guy. Its light brown, and when i squeeze around it, it's hard. Maybe Puss? Or is it a pimple, or something else? It hutts just a little bit as well.

Is this an Ingrown Hair?

ingrown hair or blood blister (women get these more often than men -in my family anyway).

if you have any female friend who are 'pickers' (like to pop zits or pick at their nails etcl) get one of them to 'get it'. who knows you might end up with a girlfriend. not that you need one or don't have one, but hey i don't know.

I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic

I am taking antibiotics, but can I put salicylic acid to improve the appearance? Will it help, hurt, or do nothing?

I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic acid?


I had an ingrown hair underneath my lip that turned into a small skin infection. Can I use salicylic acid?

It's called a pylonidal synus, more usually found on the base of your back. Antibiotics are the answer, but if the hair is still there surgery will probably be needed to remove it.I wouldn't use anything else without consulting your Doctor.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

an ingrown hair is just that...a hair that was lost due to shaving, pulling, falling out, etc that regrows and doesn't pierce through the hole it's intended, causing pain/redness/infection. a cyst is just a fluid filled sac that can fill for numerous reasons from acne to infection.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

One is just a ingrown hair, and one is an infected ingrown hair,

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

I believe a cyst is fluid under the skin and an ingrown hair is a hair that grew in wrong and is still under the skin.

Ingrown hair / cyst - whats the difference?

Cysts hurt and won't go away. I have one. Cysts are more common in fingers. Cysts, when you touch it, it feels like a hard sack of fluid too. Hope this helps!

Is this ingrown hair?

It doesn't burn or turn red when I shave I don't get bumps but when I shave the surface is completely smooth but it doesn't look like I shaved I can see hairs underneath the surface. What can help?

Is this ingrown hair?

no. its not an ingrown hair. ingrown hairs hurt and the skin around it usually becomes red. to hide the hairs underneath your skin, you can spray on that sally hansen thing on your legs. i dont know what its called, but the bottle says, "its like spraying on pantyhose". this is used to hide scars or any other "imperfections". it works really well. i love it. it also leaves legs really smooth. :)

Is this ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair actually hurts...

What you're looking at is the hair under the skin. Shaving only cuts off the hair above the skin, not below it.

Is this ingrown hair?

I have the exact same problem!

The thing that works best is when I get waxed... you can't see the hairs underneath the skin anymore

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

how the heck can i get rid of them. They are only on the front of my calves.

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

Guys get them on their face all the time and while I don't have a suggestion except the tweezers bit, and use a hot towel on your leg before you use the tweezers to open the pore.

I do have a suggestion to avoid them.

Never stretch your skin to shave and always shave in the direction the hair grows. Also, as soon as you get an ingrown hair, put some antibiotic ointment on it so it doesn't get infected underneath.

Hope the prevention tips help, too.

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

use a electric razor, it will stop it from happening, the other option is waxing, or lazer treatment ( your hair never grows back after lazer treatment i think) Report It

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

.. Report It

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

yuck! i dont even know how you get in-grown hair?

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

Ugghhh... I just HATE in-grown hairs!!! Take a tweezer, and get a gentle grip on the small end that sticks up. Then quickly but not violently pull. It should come right out, no pain! I did this to my in-grown hairs, and now I don't have any!

AAAA! I have ingrown hair when i shave my legs!?

use nair, its ahair removel product you put it on like soap and wipe it off with a cloth your hair on the outside and inside comes off

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ing

the bump is small but the area all around it is red and it really hurts and it looks like a little tiny hole but i was told it looks like aningrown hair but my mom told me about the mrsa and now im scared, i have a baby so i dont want her to get sick if in fact i am. how precautious should i be? i also breast feed... please help!!!

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Why in the world would you think it is MRSA? Have you been exposed to an MRSA patient? Do you work in a hospital? Has this been treated with antibiotics and shown no change?

Instead of mindless worrying, go see your GP and ask him/her to yank/cut it out.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

If your that worried about go to the doctor.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Look up "hypochondriac" in the dictionary, then see your doctor.

There is no reason to suspect MRSA. Somebody should smack your mom.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

get some hydrogen peroxide and pop that sucker

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair information is provided at the source below.

Im afraid that maybe i might have mrsa, i have a bump on my stomach that hurts and looks like an ingrown hair?

ur pregnant with anothher child

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

I just noticed tonight that I have a pea-sized hard lump just about 2 inches below my sternum. It is pinkish in color and is tender to the touch. I would say the majority is below skin level and it is slightly elevated. Any ideas if this would be a boil, in-grown hair or similar? I don't want to squeeze out any puss, etc for it may cause more issues.

Could this be a simple infection or pimple?

I think it just came on in the last 24 hours as I was daily and have never noticed anything at all. It is fairly noticable and as I stated, tender to the touch.

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

It sounds like a pimple. If left untreated (unpopped, as an example), there is a chance it could form into a boil. A boil will be large (the size of a big pee or larger) and painful. It would not be a cyst, as they tend to be non-painful in nature. Hope this helps!

Pea-sized lump just below the sternum. Is this a cause for concern or maybe just an ingrown hair?

i think you are right. its a pimple, ingrown hair, or some such and i have had the same thing on me in other places. i would put a small amount of topical antibiotic ointment such as neosporin on it a few times a day for the next few days. that should clear it up. if it does not, please do not hesitate to see someone about it. good luck

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown

what can i do to get rid of the hair for good besides lase hair removal? what do i do to get rid of the bumps? how can i get rid of dark spots from break outs, bumps and facial hair? i want even clear skin!!!!

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Use a mild exfoliant on your face to remove dead skin that may be over the hair shaft. If you use a toner and exfoliant regulary after waxing you probably wont have this problem and it will keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

I used to buy this paste for my husband for his ingrown hairs, it's actually made for BLACK skin. Because black people's hair grows much more slowly, it doesn't have enough time to surface. I can't remember for the life of me what it's called, it's like a salve or wax that you rub against the growth of the hair, and fills the pore and the hair can keep from getting trapped.

You can also try tea tree oil. I heard it's really good for the skin. I personally use witch hazel to make my pores smaller.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Exfoliate before you do any type of hair removal on your face. Use aloe vera gel for the spots you have now.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Laser is your only option for (somewhat) permanent removal. Waxing will cause you to break out. You should find a salon that does threading! It's much better tha waxing because waxing also pulls you skin and in long term is not good for your skin.

Some Asian, Indian, or Middle eastern salons, and now days the upper end spas have threading...

You should definitely look into it.


I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

There are only two permanent methods - the BEST has clearly been electrolysis. The only proven, non discriminating method. The other is laser and since that is out I guess you have to go for the electrolysis. Just be sure to get soemone that has a really good rep and knows what they are doing. PS: I have done a lot of research on this. If you have darker/heavier hair on your face (there has to be some contrast skin/hair - darker skin hopefully has darker hair)I would reconsider and go laser- I just did the laser (Luminous) on my underarms ('cause I hate shaving) and after one treatment for $70 (on "sale) I have had almost NO hair growth for over two weeks - WOW!. If you don't have a lot of hair or have lighter hair you have to go with the electrolysis.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

Sorry, that can be soo disheartening. Maybe try seeing a doctor if feasible. It could be a hormonal problem %26amp; they have drugs to balance out hormones. Best Wishes to you.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

well i tweeze my hairs but becareful if you wanna do that it hurts obviously. Umm.. the bumps just keep your face clean you get the bumps becuase it's probably infected. To get rid of the dark spots you can use proactiv if you want or my personal fav cocoa butter. Just don't put all the chemicals on your face it will only make it worse go to your dermatologist hun!

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

If you want to avoid laser, try threading as an alternative to waxing. It takes more time, but the results are like waxing, with less irritation to the skin (the wax pulls on your skin, threading only pulls the hairs). To help curb instances of ingrown hairs, exfoliate regularly - the hairs can curl into the skin due to skin that has not yet shed.

Another person mentioned aloe vera gel - great stuff. I also recommend adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Both will help your skin to remain clear, and curb the dark marks. Higher quality products can be found at nutrition and health food stores. Some friends of mine swear by using a little Vitamin E oil on healing breakouts to cut down on the dark marks.

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

try some kind of product made for that or pluck them

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

I wax my face bc of facial hair but now all of a sudden it looks like i am breaking out from ingrown hairs?

okay so...waxing your face is disgusting! Lazer hair removal is a good idea but sometimes it can get expensive...Maybe you should be like a man and shave your face.... (gross!)

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

it is driving me crazy....I am about to cut open the damn thing and get the hair is a big bump but nothing will squeeze out, and now it hurts from me squeezing so much....I have tried a hot towel, any other recommendations?

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

exfoliation wont work if the hair is already trapped under the skin. The quickest way is removal with a pin...but be careful. Best to do this directly after a hot bath or shower, so the pores are open. Make sure you wipe the pin with a mild surgical disinfectant to keep it very clean. Then just try to lift th hair above the skin level with the pin, BUT if you cant do it after four digs then stop, because the hair isnt long enough yet and you will only cause the skin to scar if you keep going. Just leave it, and try again in a couple of weeks when the hair should be long enough to remove easily this way.

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

Exfoliation is the key!

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

If pressure after a hot compress doesn't work, it needs to be lanced. This is best done by a doctor. Then the hair will be "plucked" and it will heal.

If you try to lance it yourself, you run the risk of infection.

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

use tweezers to get the hair out...after that, you just have to wait for it to close up.

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump?

to be honest, thats what i do. to me, its not worth that much hurting for such a little thing. if you go to the store, they have stuff cremes, oils, stuff like that for after you wax, (i'm not saying you wax) but i use that and it works like a charm

Does laser hair removal help with ingrown hairs?

I get them SO BAD and am wondering if the laser sessions will help take care of getting rid of these pesky ingrowns.

Does laser hair removal help with ingrown hairs?

Here is a link to an informative article about a womans laser hair removal experience, I think you will find this useful in answering your question. ENJOY!

The best ingrown hair and razor bump creams have what in them?

For example Aloe Vera,etc.

The best ingrown hair and razor bump creams have what in them?

For razor burn: hydrocortizone (like Cortaid) - it treats the inflammation

For ingrown hairs: salicylic acid - it exfoliates that top layer of skin to free the hair

The best ingrown hair and razor bump creams have what in them?

I would ALWAYS advise straight aloe vera. I (like most people) get painful ingrown hairs when I shave my bikini line, and if you put aloe vera on straight away, they disappear! Keep reapplying.

It's also good for eliminating redness from waxing :)

I don't think I would even dream of using a razor for anything if I didn't have my aloe vera, lol

What's the beset solution for a stubborn ingrown hair? Over the counter, preferably.?

Very stubborn, very painful, and I can't see the hair at all. This hurts! Thanks for answering, it's very much appreciated.

What's the beset solution for a stubborn ingrown hair? Over the counter, preferably.?

If isn't visible maybe is a hair infection. Use shaving soap(cream) for washing. And antihemorrhoidal cream, it contains antibiotics and hydrocortizon too.

What's the beset solution for a stubborn ingrown hair? Over the counter, preferably.?

Try a topical antibiotic creme with antistetic for the pain. If that does not work, use the raw side of a potatoe peeling and tape it to the affected area. Leave it on for 24 hrs and check it. Starch in the potatoe skin can help draw it out faster.