Monday, April 23, 2012

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

I am 99% sure that is what it is. It is a bump that came back as soon as all the hair started growing back. It hasnt formed a head to pop though. It isnt hard... Actually you can tell that it is full of pus or some liquid, but when i stick a needle into it... all it does is bleed. I am really tired of it hurting me... What can i do?

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

I was getting bumps on my vagina too, my doctor prescribed

Doxycycline and now I no longer get them.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

i'd pluck it or go to your gynocologist.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Go see your doc to find out what it REALLY is and quit trying to open it.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

I just threw up......

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Take a warm bath and leave it alone it will come to a head and pop soon.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

go to your doctor and have them look at it it sounds like a pimple to me honey.But don't be scared ask for a female doctor if its your first time.they will look at it just with here eyes sometimes they may use there hands but they are very gentle.Know worries just schedule a appointment and you'll know what it is in no time ;)

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

do not stick a needle init!!!! Sqeeze it and then GENTLY scrap the area with tweezers, if it doesnt come out there and then give it a couple of hours and try again, when youve got it outta the skin, pluck it, it will hurt a little but ingrowing hairs can become a big problem. So squeeze and scrap with tweezers ok. Hope it works xXx

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Try putting some Neosporin on it to calm it down. It could also be a cist or something like that. If it閳ユ獨 still there after 2 or 3 days of Neosporin, you might think about seeing your doctor. If it develops a white-head, then you閳ユ獟l know.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Pluck it with some tweezers. I get them sometimes too.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Do NOT use a needle! You're just asking for infection when you do that.

The best thing to do is exfoliate the area gently with a warm washcloth in the shower. Do this daily and it will get rid of the skin on top and help the hair push through. Also apply a dab of Neosporin at night and in the morning. This will keep the area soft and prevent infection and help drain the bump.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

omg i feel for ya, first off cleanse well and maybe disenfect then with a mirror and twezzers locate hair and try to pull it out only way it will go down good luck

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

Sometimes that happens. It's really no big deal. Squeeze it gently and get most of the fluid out. Clean the area really well and put some antibiotic cream on it. Something over the counter will do. Wear cotton panties, for ventilation. Keep wearing the antibiotic. It will eventually heal and go away. If it is an ingrown hair, it'll come out. If not, ask your gynecologist for some suggestions. :)

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

take a hot wash cloth and press it with pressure. You have to get the puss out. Pop it like a zit, then get the tweezers and pluck the hair. There should be more puss after the hair comes out. Make sure to clean it with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Remember to exfoliate at least every other day after you shave to help the hair grow out of the skin.

Ingrown Hair on Vagina Lip?

I would go see your doctor. i know someone with a similar issue and their doctor was able to take care of it in the office.

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