Friday, April 27, 2012

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Hair bumps in the genital area (cooter) can be a double-edge sword. One side of the sword means the area became irritated because you did not use any lubricant gel before attempting to shave, thus an ingrown hair developed and turned inward. Healing will take time, but pain will remain. The other side of the hair bump could indicate an infection in the system and that infection is coming out from beneath the ingrown hair. Don't lance it yourself, but go to the doctor and have the sore drained and analyzed. It could be more than you expected. However, don't panic until you have sought medical treatment. Do not try the Self-medicating solution.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Yes, but it could just be a heat sore. Consult your gyno! Not Yahoo!

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

yes. I hear it's very painful and some people have to get them lanced.(cut)

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

yEP! I have had it happen twice. It looks like a bump and is the size of a pea, maybe a little bit bigger. I had to ride it out both times. Just remember to always shave with the hair, not against it. This will prevent it from happening again. : )

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Absolutely but go to your gyno just to be safe.... ya never know....

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

you can get an in-grown hair anywhere that hair grows but not in places where it doesnt.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Yep you sure can, but are you sure it's just an ingrown hair? If you get them frequently and/or get them under the breasts and armpits, you need to have a dermotologist rule out Hidradenitis Supportiva.

Put some Tea Tree Oil on the bump. It will relieve pain and help it rupture faster.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

It's possible, I had a friend who thought it was an ingrown hair and it turned out to be herpes. Get it checked out by a doctor.

Can you get a ingrown hair kinda like in your cooter but not in in? like on the side of it?

Sounds like your Bartholin's cyst is blocked, or infected. Go see your gynae/GP. Stop typing, go now!!!

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