Friday, April 27, 2012

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

i used to get them all the time as well as boils they would get so bad i would have to go to the doctor but i found something that really works 9 out of 10 times try triple antibiotic ointment but you have to keep it covered at all times meaning keep the ointment over it at all times it really works

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

pull the hair out with tweezers

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

If it recurs a doctor could perform electrolysis.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Ouchee, I pull it out with tweeeeezers.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Depends how it is sometimes you can pull it out other times you can pop it like a zit then there are times you need meds to draw it out.If all else fails go see a doctor.Good Luck

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

a warm compress to the area will aleviate pain and bring it to a head, so the hair can be plucked out safely.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Try not to shave for a while-- it will only grow worse.

There are some topical medications available to treat it, but it is actually very common -- especially for African Americans.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Use a set of tweezers. Ingrown hairs litterally curl under causing a bump under the skin using tweezers to pull them out....the hair that you pull out will be a tightly wound curl of hair!

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

Depends on how it is ingrown. If you can see it running under the skin you can use a pin and pull it up through the skin then use the tweezers and pull it out completely.

If it has made a sore like a pimple then you can use the pin to break open the skin and squeeze it until it pops out. Then use the tweezers to pull it the rest of the way.

Put an antiseptic like alcohol on it.

How do you treat an ingrown hair?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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