Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

I have this small medium bump on my inner thigh where I shave, and its really annoying, its been there for 2 weeks now, and Its very irritable, and it looks kinda dark, and there isnt any hair growing there, but is it one? thats the only way I could think of getting it, and if so how can I remove it without scarring. I have been putting vaseline on it, but I really do not want a scar!

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

i get these ALL the time!!! Theyre SO annoying and PAINFUL!!! Get a hot wash hot as you can bare. then put it on the bump. This will cause the pore to open up, and a little puss will drain out bc its been infected...thats y its dark and y its lasting so long. then if the ingrown hair doesnt wiggle its way out that way, wait a couple days until it scabs over, then the hair will come up on its own a little. get a needle or a safety pin or anything that you can stick in the loopd hair to get it to grow outside the skin instead of into the skin. it shouldn hurt to un loop it. you should not have to dig around for the hair! if it doesnt come out rite away, pop it, like i said and apply a lil neosporen. hope this helps!

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?


Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

might be a tumor... problem solved

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

yeah it iz!!!

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

probably yes

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

It might be a pimple. I would try to pop it. I have gotten one of those before and I popped it and it didn't scar.

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

Try applying hot compresses. If redness and swelling occur with a whiteness at the centre, it's likely an ingrown hair having problems. Once the white substance appears you can pierce it with a sterilized needle, allow the fluids to come through and relieve enough pressure so the hair can emerge. You won't scar. Otherwise, if it continues after another week or so, consult your physician.

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

It probably is

To avoid scarring you may need to put a warm compress on it so that it comes to a head and opens up. My Dr. advises that you shouldn't pluck the hair but pull out the tip above the skin and let it heal, then I guess you can shave it or whatever. If you scar easy try rubbing some neosporin on it instead of vaseline.

If it becomes painfull and swollen it may be infected and you may need to go to a Dr.

Some will try but I would not advise try to dig it out with tweezers esp. if you are worried about scars

good luck

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

wax that little bit of area. That's what i did and the hair came out oof its it barely hurt!

Is that a sign of an ingrown hair?

no thats herpes!!

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