Monday, April 16, 2012

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

whats the difference between herpes and an ingrown hair ,describe please

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair is just that. It can take the form of a spot with the skin slightly raised and a sigle hair that has quite literally grown back in and slightly under the skin. They dont occur that often and very localised.....talking a few hairs at most unless you are VERY unlucky.

Herpes......which kind of herpes? Ask your doctor.

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

My college roomy had herpes, and she said it hurt when she peed. Sorry don't know much more than that, besides, go see the Dr.

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

ingrown hair is like, one. herpes, is like, 20. herpes itch, they hurt reeeeeally bad, especially when you have sex. and they can be given to your partner on the face, hand, AREA, all of 'em. ingrown hairs cannot.

they do both kinda look like pimples tho.

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

Herpes is a virus that is obtained through contact with the sore, and ingrown hair is a hair follicle that has gotten infected. Herpes does not have a cure, and the ingrown hair will go away in a few days

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

There's a big difference. Pull out an ingrown hair and the redness %26amp; bumps will go away. Herpes is a virus that does not go away and causes outbreaks of blisters. There's no cure, but you can take medication.

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair bumps hurt like well you get the picture,say cheese.

Differnce between herpes and ingrown hair?

ummm if you can't tell the difference then that is bad, herpes looks completely disgusting...but if you really wanna know just google it and look at pictures, it's that simple!

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