Saturday, April 14, 2012

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

i have always waxed my legs from a salon or a lady coming home, but recently moved home to a new place, so didnt have any idea where to get it done, so started shaving to point of addiction, now gone back to waxing fairly recently, but have now got ingrown hair and nasty looking dark bumbs on my legs which are in grown hair and all the shaved pokey hair have not grown out either, how do i get the ingrow hair sorted, i use exfoliating scrubs as well..HELP?? = [

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

Usually they should grow out but it can take a very long time. It may help to exfoliate but sometimes it is not enough. If you are not allergic to aspirin, you could crush up a few tablets and mix with a tiny bit of water and apply to the affected area. Leave it on for a few hours. Most ingrown hair solution that you can buy consist of a form of aspirin in alcohol

In some cases the ingrown hair problem may be chronic and then the only real solution is laser hair removal because it kills the hair at the Root.

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

Cover up until all the hairs have grown out to their full length. Then start waxing again. Ingrown hairs don't stay like that forever. They come through eventually.

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

You need to go to your GP.

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

pluck them with tweezers. it takes awhile.

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

Ingrown hairs can be dangerous because eventually they never come out - then you get an infection, then you go to surgery and get an ugly looking scar on your leg. You can do two things - go see a doctor and let him get them out, or if you're brave enough get a sterile needle and pull them out yourself.

Help? ingrown hair on my legs??

The ladies above are right.

If you shave, shave in the same direction the hair grows - it means the tip of the hair doesn't end up under the skin. You have to shave more often but it does avoid this problem

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