Monday, April 16, 2012

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

well i noticed this a couple weeks ago.. i thought it was a pimple but its too big. i know for sure its not an std because i'm a virgin. i tried to pop it. it pussed a bit then blood came out. so i decided to thouroughly clean it and put ointment on it. i dont know what else to do.. any suggestions? please? i dont know what else it can be[besides an ingrown hair].. i just want it gone.

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

Clean it with soap and water. Wait a few days and it will go away. By the way, don't feel bad, it's really no big deal. All the goop is out of it, the hair is out of it, right? Just keep it clean, keep your hands away from it, and it will be fine. If it gets red and hot and sore, go see someone. Otherwise, don't worry about it. It isn't pretty, but it will go away.

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

go to the doctor

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

It most likely is an ingrown hair. It happens when you shave, and the hair begins to grow back but is not able to break through the skin and instead turns back under. It is completely normal, so please don't feel bad. Take a washcloth (clean of course) and wet it in hot water. Once you've done this, put it on the postule. You can do this a few times; when you have an ingrown hair, there is usually a seed in the follicle, and this needs to come out. Putting heat on the postule will bring the seed, as well as the pus, to the surface. Once the postule has a white top to it, you should be able to pop it. Again, make sure that your hands are clean and that you're using clean washcloths. When you pop it, wash the area with pure soap. Dry the area thoroughly and try not to wear synthetic materials against the area until it's healed.

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

It might have started life as an ingrown hair, but it may have been a boil or zit. Either way, now that you have meddled with it, it's infected worse. Trying to "pop" things just tends to rupture them underneath the skin and spread the problem around to a bigger area. For starters, leave it alone. Put a nice clean dressing on it and keep your hands off it otherwise. You can put antibiotic ointment on it if you like. If it puffs back up, apply heat with a moist hot washrag, hot as you can stand, as often as you can stand. No other lotions or potions needed. The heat will help the body isolate the infection and it will drain all by itself when it's ready. Then it will all drain out completely, and heal quicker and better. If you have an ingrown hair, it will come out by itself. Your skin doesn't appreciate your helpful efforts. If it doesn't drain on it's own within a few days, then you need to visit the doctor for professional assistance using sterile tools and antibiotics. You can visit the doctor now if you like, but since you have messed with it, there's not much else that can be done at this point. It has to heal on it's own, and it will do that faster with less interference from you. Just stick to a bandage and the ointment, and heat if needed. And keep your hands off it, unless you want to spread the infection to a new spot.

I think i have an ingrown hair in "that area".. help!?

One other thing not mentioned and is very common in girls/women due to the area involved, you may very well have a cyst. These can feel and look like an ingrown hair and can ooze a biut of puss expecially if squeezed (should not do that, it introduces bacteria and the like and makes it hurt and worse than you started). A cheap remedy and one that works but is a bit painful depending on your pain tolerance level is to take a 1" peice of gauze dampen it and put table salt on it and lay it against the area in question. To hold in place use a bandaid or two or surgical tape from the dollar store. Repeat this at least once in the morning and at night. Clean with mild soap and water to clean the stuff that the salt will draw out and so you are starting out fresh and sterile every time you reapply the gauze and salt. Try to keep area dry as possible. You will see puss and such on the gauze as it pulls out the "stuff" causing your problem. This is not a pretty site, but is quite effective and will usually take about two weeks for it to totally clear and it cost you gauze, bandaid and table salt and possibly a bit of pain, but when you are already in pain how much more can it hurt? Also , leave the gauze there for the whole day till you change it again. It will look like you have a hole in your skin as it pulls out the "stuff", but when it is all cleared by the end of the two weeks you will have no hole it will have shrunk. Should you see it surrounded by redness or redness with a line traveling from the site (redness that looks like it is getting worse not better) then you need to seek medical help. or major irritation do seek a doctor for help. This also works for cysts of the breasts also. Doctors have said that this has done a cleaner job than some of their meds. You may have a small scar for a short time that should go away over time. Please be aware not to use too much salt as it can make the skin raw. Moisten the gauze and sprinkle a bit on it and shake off the excess, it does not take a lot of salt for this to be effective. This is not doctor advice, but a home remedy, please be aware of your own pain level and skin sensitivity levels too. You can apply more than once a day, just do not over do the salt and make your skin raw. Reduce the amount of salt as it starts to go away and shrink, usually by the scond week you can taper off on the salt as you get to the end and then none. Also, the salted gauze may dry out and stick to you, do not just pull it off as you will be in pain and could cause bleeding, just add water to the gauze and give it a few minutes or so to unstick itself. Check a little at a time and add more water if needed. This is an old one that has been in our family for years and does work. It also works on boils of the skin and I do not see why it would not help an ingrown hair if yours is an ingrown hair. Check out the,, company or type in Cysts/Cyst identification or definition and see if you cannot find a pic or more info from there to compare it to. Where you are talking is a tough area to see depending on how far down it is, a mirror comes in handy for this if needed. I hope this is of help to you. Take care and God Bless

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