Friday, April 20, 2012

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

It's a raised black bump on his inner thigh. He says that it hurts him pretty bad. It's been ther for a few days, but it just started to actually hurt yesterday. I can't think of what else it could be. Any suggestions???? If it is an ingrown hair what do we do about it???

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

Could be an ingrown hair, could also be a sebasceous cyst. They are like that too; and when you squeeze them it is hard grey sludge that comes out; usually smelly. Guys seem to get the more than ladie.

You could soak it in warm water or put a warm face cloth on it to try and bring it to a "head"

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

sounds like a spider bite.

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

if it is a mole see the doctor. if it is odd shaped see the doctor. if you truth think it is an ingrown hair, soak his leg in hot water, use a sterile needle to poke the top off. if an ingrown hair is in there use the pin to pry it up. tweezers can be used to pluck the hair out. the swelling will go down in a day or two if this is what you find. an ingrown hair is harmless.

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

Take a needle and scratch it then with tweezers pull the hair out

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

ingrown hairs look and feel like pimples....but black is unusual...i would see a doctor

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

This is pretty simple to treat. I would put a warm compress every night, then a cover the counter anitbotic cream.

See, how that works, good luck.

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

It sounds like "folliculitis" where hairs do become impacted/infected. It will eventually come to a head and can pop if pressure is placed on it. Try putting alcohol on it to help it dry out, sanitize it. He can also take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for the pain, inflammation. If it becomes too infected or painful either see your family physician to lance it or go to Urgent Care (quicker and less expensive than going to the ER which is for folks with traumatic injury or extreme illness like heart attack, stroke, etc.) You can get more information at

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

He might have a boil....which is common....

A "boil" is a small abscess or collection of pus just under the skin. it's usually due to bacteria in a hair follicle breaking out into the fatty tissue. It often happens in an area of chafing or rubbing, like waistband of pants, under arms, butt, thighs, etc.. You can place a warm towel on it for about 5 minutes to bring the infection to the surface, and with a sterile needle break open the very top and let it drain, then clean it really well and leave to scab on its own.

I think my husband has an ingrown hair.....But i'm not sure....?

if he gets to the point he cant stand it put a cold rag on it and wait for it to get numb and stick it with a needle my husband gets these also then bandage it up

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