Monday, April 16, 2012

Infected ingrown hair-- am I waiting too long to see the doctor?

I have an infected ingrown hair on my left breast that has been a steadily growing bump for about a month. It got smaller for a while then suddenly grew in size recently, until I poked it open with a sterilized pin this morning. All day, now, it's been draining thick pus and very recently (within the hour) it's become more blood than pus. I'm not squeezing or anything, just changing bandages with fresh Neosporin every three hours, and today I'm going to rinse it with saltwater and see if I can find the hair (without messing with it too much.)

I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for the 8th, which is about a week and a half from now. Can it wait that long without getting very serious? I don't think my insurance would cover an ER visit regarding an infected follicle. :P

Infected ingrown hair-- am I waiting too long to see the doctor?

When you have blood leaking from an infection you have a problem. Good that it is draining but you have been keeping serious poison in your body. You should call you Doctor and get this cared for without delay. This minor thing may now be an abcess and you can get septicemia as a result. You need help immediately.

Infected ingrown hair-- am I waiting too long to see the doctor?

just try to keep it from getting infected, i wouldn't recommend poking or popping it anymore lol, just keep it clean

Infected ingrown hair-- am I waiting too long to see the doctor?

It doesn't necessarily sound good. Probably the best thing to do would be to call into the doctor and consult with the nurse or the doctor over the phone. Tell them the situation and see if they think you need to be seen sooner. They would be the best people to know.

Infected ingrown hair-- am I waiting too long to see the doctor?

That's a very very nasty ingrown hair.

If there are red streaks that come off of it or a large red circle, you need antibiotics. If it's hot to the touch.. it may need antibiotics.

I would squeeze it and drain the infection out of it. Put hydrogen peroxide on it (won't burn) to boil out the infection as well. Don't mess with it more than morning %26amp; night to prevent outside infection from getting in. Neosporin %26amp; bandages are a good thing.

Continue treating what will become the scar with neosporin.

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