Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ingrown hair or spot?

how do you know if something is an ingrown hair or just a spot?

Ingrown hair or spot?

ok, it goes like this...

get a mirror and check, even if you have to use two mirrors...

a spot will be inflamed, may even have a head.

an ingrowing hair will look like a reddish spot but not so inflamed, it is not likely to have a head and it can hand around for years.. trust me on this one, I don't know anyone over the age of thirty who doesn't have one of these...

secondly, check to see that you don't have similar spots elsewhere on your body; make sure that there isn't any sudden changes in the spot (or spots if there are any more) and if it's excessively itchy - you WILL need to see someone about it.

Don't panic about ingrowing hairs, you'll have plenty of time to do something about it if it is. If it's a spot, you won't have to worry for too long. If it's not any of those two, you will notice other things about it.. if that happens, see someone.

Ingrown hair or spot?

pick it and see

Ingrown hair or spot?

Pinch it and see if puss comes out.

Ingrown hair or spot?

A good powerful magnifying glass

with good source of light and you

can see for youself , what it is.

Ingrown hair or spot?

dont know

Ingrown hair or spot?

try to burst it. but if it is ingrown hair leave it once free, next time you won't have problem. also moisturise more to stop this happening.

Ingrown hair or spot?

A spot's soreness lessens after a couple of days. An ingrown hair's soreness lingers and stays red and there's pus, I sometimes use a sterilized needle to prick it and pull the ingrown hair out.

Ingrown hair or spot?


Ingrown hair or spot?

Go to the doctor or health dept. Have them take a look at it. I go to the health dept. sometimes because it is free. If it is an infected ingrown hair it can't be popped until it comes to a head. It will get real sore first and even a doctor will just lance it open and let it ooze. When you can pop it keep it open and make sure you get all of it or it will come back. You may have to pop it several times a day to keep it draining.

Ingrown hair or spot?

If you think its an ingrowing hair it needs sorting out. My husband had one on his bum and he had to have an op to drain it, I had to pack it for weeks after and he was told to shave his bum regularly to stop it happening again.

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