Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ingrown hair underarm...?


im pretty sure i have an ingrown hair under my arm.... and its pretty deep. how would i prevent them? how would i treat it? do i go to a salon or something to have them take it out? if i tweezed my hair would it increase the chance of an ingrown hair?most importantly HOW TO TAKE IT OUT???? = [

thanks in advance

Ingrown hair underarm...?

to prevent ingrown hairs, shave with the grain, not against. to remove the hair, use a pair or tweezers and pull the hair out. there should be at least a little bit of hair sticking out.

Ingrown hair underarm...?

First of all you should exfoliate everyday and that helps to get rid of the ingrown hairs. Plucking the hairs can still cause ingrown hair as it is removing the hair from its root. Your best bet is to shave instead if you want to prevent ingrown hair as shaving does not remove hair from it's root and it will not get 'stuck' beneath your skin when it grows (which causes ingrown hair)

Ingrown hair underarm...?

To prevent ingrown hairs: when you shave, shave in the direction the hair grows instead of against it.

To get rid of the ingrown hair: tweezing should work to pull it out. Be carefull though, so it doesn't get infected. (I had one that got infected and had to have the doctor cut it open. Yuck.)

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