Monday, April 23, 2012

Ingrown neck hair?

My boyfriend has gross ingrown hairs on his neck and he says that he's had it since the first time he shaved (at 13), but they wont go away. What can I tell him so he can get it removed because it's bothering me something awful!

Ingrown neck hair?

It's the same ingrown hair that has been there for years?? Not just that they return after he shaves? That's crazy! He definitely needs to get that checked out. It could turn into a serious infection!

Ingrown neck hair?


Ingrown neck hair?

Don't SHAVE IT! Because then it will start growing back. Laser Hair Removel?

Ingrown neck hair?

that if he doesnt that the hairs will eventually grow till they reach his spinal cord that when they do they will pierce it then he will be paralyzed or die JK

tell him how u feel and that its REALLY gross and unhealthy

Ingrown neck hair?

"get that unsightly ingrown mess surgically removed please"

I'm sure he won't be too offended :)

Ingrown neck hair?

instead of shaving tell him to use hair removal cream

use a hot face cloth and keep it on his neck to soften the skin and hair, it should give it a better chance to get out from the skin, leave it for long.

also moisturize

Ingrown neck hair?

Go to the doctor.

Ingrown neck hair?



whenever he is sleeping shave the back of his neck


But no seriously

do it

Ingrown neck hair?

Tell him that hairs if the hair grow in and touch the nerves on his spinal cord it could affect his movement

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