Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is this a pubic ingrown hair?

I know this is not an std for sure. I do shave or wax my pubic area every now and then. Sometimes I'll get bad razor burn or lots of red bumps. This is different. I noticed about a year ago that I had this sorta line on the outer edge of my pubic area, but down between my legs. The best way I can describe is that you couldn't see it unless I pulled my skin tight and it looked alot like a stretch mark. It's about 3/4" and very thin. Not red, no broken skin no white head. If I pressed on it it feels hard and there was a very very slight pain. I have kept an eye on it for around a year. Two nights ago I decided to squeeze the fire out of it and on one end a hardish white paste stuff came out. Now I've got it lookin a mess. It has filled back up and it's so sore. I am wondering if it is an ingrown hair that is growing parallel under my skin? I can't find the hair bc it's hard to tell where it starts. I'm thinkin it won't heal til find a hair. I dont want to go to the doctor. Suggestions?

Is this a pubic ingrown hair?

You had a smallish sebasceous cyst, from the sounds of it. It may have been simply an irritated pore at some point, and possibly there was a hair in there. Squeezing it ruptured it beneath the skin, and it's now under attack by your immune system- which is why it's turned into a painful mess. Apply heat, either with a damp washcloth heated in the microwave, a heating pad or simply a soak in the hot bath. Hot as you can stand it, often as you can. It will encourage it to drain all on it's own. Don't go poking or squeezing on it at all any more. You may even want to dump the undies until it's all drained, cause the elastic isn't going to be comfry until it does. You will know when it drains, believe me. Just before it does, it will get incredibly painful and probably fair size. When it starts to drain, it will also likely smell pretty badly. WHen you note it has started to drain, mere touch should just about drain it completely. Until it all heals, wash with an antibacterial soap, and get some air flow going. Don't touch it and then touch anything else- you can spread the infection to a new spot, or get a nasty vaginal infection. Once it drains, it should heal fairly quickly, and don't be surprised if it leaves a big pore or dip in the area, and if it's slightly darker colored skin.

-Heat packs didn't work in the past because as a cyst it was stable- filled with body fluid that belongs to you, sealed off inside the cyst walls. When you broke it, you also ruptured neighboring cells, and opening it to infection and attack. There may be a hair in there, there may not be- and even if there is, you don't want to be digging it out. Your body will either force it out as it drains or dissolve it, no help needed from you and it won't appreciate your efforts at all. If you meddle with it, you will just make matters worse. At this point, the best thing is applying heat and waiting it out. Direct moist heat will work within a few days, faster the more often you apply heat and otherwise leave it be. If you mess with it, poking and squeezing to find a hair that may not even be there, the more you spread the infection around. As bad as you think it is now, I assure you it can get worse- I've seen it, and you don't want to go there- trust me. Apply heat, take a pain reliever and wait it out.

Is this a pubic ingrown hair?

Put heat packs on it.

Is this a pubic ingrown hair?

Seems like it could be ingrown hairs (plural). Especially because it seems like it's were the elastic edges of your underwear hit your skin. And honestly with ingrown hairs, you rarely see the hair itself, because they're small hairs. Try to wear loose underwear for awhile. When you shave it seems to cause more...Try not to squeeze them unless you do see some kind a white head on the top...Also they do fill back time it gets to that stage, apply warm/hot compress to the area and eventually they will come to a head (so to speak) And sometimes they go away by themselves, if you don't wear tight underwear, etc...Hope this helped. Good luck!

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