Wednesday, April 18, 2012

OUCH! I have an ingrown hair! What can I do?

I have an ingrown hair!! I've gotten them before and they form pimple like bumps. THIS one is a HUGE bump. I didnt notice it until it started to HURT sooo bad! It hurts too much to touch!! Somebody suggested that I pop it and it'll be okay but i cant pop it because it hurts even when i just run my finger lightly over it.

What else can I do?? Please help! it hurts!!

OUCH! I have an ingrown hair! What can I do?

Place warm compresses on it, the warmth will help draw out the pus once the head appears. Once it begins to drain, you can use triple antibiotic ointment on it and use warm compresses again at night to help draw more of the pus out. I had one where I couldn't reach it and it had to be lanced...ow.

OUCH! I have an ingrown hair! What can I do?

Soak a wash cloth in very hot water and hold it on the area. Keep reheating the wash cloth. This will help it come to a head and make it easier to pop.

It'll still hurt like hell, but do it fast and it'll be over with in a second. Then use hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to disinfect the area.

OUCH! I have an ingrown hair! What can I do?

If you can, either sit in the bath tub with water as hot as you can stand it, or just use a hot compress on the bump for as long as you can. Keep doing that as often as you can, and that will keep the blood circulating in the bump. Keep putting neosporin on the bump as well. In a day or so it will come to a head so you will be able to pop it. Once you pop it, you should still put neosporin on it until it is completely gone so that it will not get infected,

OUCH! I have an ingrown hair! What can I do?

It is likely to be an abcess. You need to tell your parent (if you live at home) and/or get yourself to the doctor. It is going to have to be drained and you will have to be on antibiotics. this is serious stuff and you do NOT want to mess with it.

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