Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeat

My male friend has had a reoccuring ingrown hair in the same spot on his neck for years. It tends to return every 5 months or so. About a week ago it surfaced again and he has since continued to pick at it, creating a layer of hard skin on it and then going on to remove it again. I believe it is infected.

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

apply almost unbearably hot compresses for 15 Min's four times per day. cover with bandage with antibiotic ointment in between compresses. If red irritation gets bigger then 50 cent piece...time to see doc.

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

Um, see a doctor or dermatologist. They can handle those kinds of skin irritations.

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

Put some hydrogen peroxide on it and leave it alone!!!

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

Thats not an ingrown hair its a boil or a syst but if you soak in hot water for an hour or more at a time that usually opens the pore and drains it he needs to go to a dermatologist and get antibiotics

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

I would have your friend wash the infected area with an anti bacterial soap, put some neosporin on it and cover it for a few days. Then leave it alone until the inflamation goes down. Afterwards I would recommend that they go to have it removed by electrolysis. That way it won't come back.

What is the best home treatment for an ingrown hair that has already been irritated/picked at repeatedly?

Try putting some NEOSPORIN Ointment on it, cover with a band aid-- it softens the skin and allows the wound to heal---if it is past covering with a band aid-- see a dermatologist-- he could have skin problems that need other medications to heal.

My oldest son gets these darn things every week--- this usually helps.

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