Monday, April 23, 2012

How do i get rid of this ingrown hair?

so i posted a question a few hours ago about a bump on my labia. i have come to the conclusion that it IS an ingrown hair. now that i know what it is, i need to know how to get rid of it. id like to know the quickest, most painless way possible. because it hurts and i want it gone! hah

How do i get rid of this ingrown hair?

i would be very careful with this as if you open it up then it might be prone to other infrcetions.butif you are abrave soul i will tell you how.

soak in a hot hot first or apply a warm comprss to the area to make the swelling as large as possible. havre ready first aid supplies befre you begin. that is--some sort of absorbent cloth or maxi-pad, because it is liable to bleed or leak pus out. have several ready.

wash the are with soap and watervery well. if hair is in the way you may shave it or cut it to be able to see better.

sterilizez a needle, not a small sewing one either, it has to be a little larger to allow the fluids to drain out. or use an edge of a razor blade.this hurts more but is quicker than the needle,

you can sterlize the needle or razor by soaking it in aclohol. using a flame to sterlixe doent work and may infect the area more, dont do that.

put a clean towel on the bed ubnder you and position a mirror or use a hand mirrior you see below.remenber kepp al your suppl;ies within reach.

whay yo willlhave to do is lance the lump. that is to "POP" the more you can get it to arise the better.the larger the hole withthe needle orlonger the small cut wit the bld then the faster it will drain out.

to lance it squeeze it until the largest part comes to the top, just like you would squeeze a zip. that is the part you want to poke with the large needle or make a small insiion woththe blade. by which i mean, just a 1/4r less or an inch to pop it. squeeze out all you can until the fluidinside that comes out is a clear color. if it is full of pus it may have been more than an ingrown follicle and you need to watch out fot more, because staph infections are very prevalant and you dont want them to spread to you blood or other tisses. wash your hands throw away the toe=wels used, instrumren=tmnet too if possible, and take a hot shower.

if you can get chlorahexadine ( a surgical scrub) from your local pharmacy, use it to was for a few days to cut down on bacteriaa.if not just use soap and water but DO NOT puy hydrogen peroxide on the are, as it will impede thehealingprocess.

thisis almost exactly whay a hospital will do, except they would also send the flud from the lump for testing ti see what it is, and if you need antibotics.

if you can go to a hospital i recommend doing that instead

Also, take some tylenol before you begin all this as ,it will hurt.

it might be helpful to have a trusted friend help you with this if possible.

How do i get rid of this ingrown hair?

No real quick fix, I am afraid. Apply warm compresses as often as you can and/or need to for pain.

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