I have an ingrown hair around my vagina and I noticed a white tip on it like you would find on a zit. I sqeezed at it and ALOT of pus came out. I noticed a little blood in the pus so I decided that it was probably best to stop squeezing. Is it normal to find pus in a enlarged bump, otherwise known as an ingrown hair?oh, and will I have to get all the pus out befre the hair appears or will it show up while I'm getting the FOWL SMELLING pus out?
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
I get a lot of ingrown hairs when I shave down there, so I'm sure other people get them as well, but fowl-smelling pus? Are you sure it's ingrown hairs and not something else?
Perhaps you sould get tested.
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
your skin is becoming irritated and making the pus. if you can get a good angle and see it, use a needle and hook the hair to get it straight, and then tweeze it out...
if you can't see it, just keep neosporin-ing it until the the layer of skin it's attached to is on the top layer and falls off
squeezing MAY get the hair to appear and 'right' itself, or it may just make the area bruise.. so be careful!!
yeah and the pus should be a ball smaller than the size of a sesame seed... if it's more pus than that, get it checked out :/
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
Squeeze everything out that you can get out. Hopefully the hair will appear and you can pull it out.
Clean the area very well and use alcohol to clean it again.
Wipe it with alcohol every time you use the bathroom for a couple of days. You may need to put a pad on or some folded up t-paper for a little while to catch the bleeding.
You will be fine, lots of people get them.
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
it could be a cyst/boil, which if it is needs to be drained by a doctor...also, the doctor will need to prescribe you some antibiotics for the bacterial infection
hope i was able to help
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
well honey, i had the very same problem and i decided to see my dermatologist. He told me that rubbing a topical aloe vera solution around my vagina would improve things in no time and make it less irritating. I was skeptical but after 2 days of applying it i was all better. just go to a local drugstore and buy some aloe vera gel and apply it liberally. trust me hun, it will work, i guarantee it.
Ingrown hair around vaginal area that I have a question about?
ingrown hairs are common when people shave. It's the hair not breaking the surface of the skin and becoming infected. I haven't gotten one in a long time, but I squeeze them out and pull the hair out. you can try to exfoliate that area before you shave next time, because I do that every once and a while and it helps make a good shave.
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