Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ingrown hair, or not?

I have a spot on my groin which is very painful, I only noticed it yesterday. I do shave down there but I didn't think I had shaved in the area where the spot is. It does not look like the ingrown hairs I have had before, and I can not see a hair inside, but I can not think of any other possible cause.

I do not want to touch it as it may get infected if it is not already, if it is an ingrown hair is it ok to leave, may it eventually come to the surface it's self, or will it just get worse?Thanks in advance

Ingrown hair, or not?

Sometimes pimples can occur down in that area but the only way to know for sure what is going on is to see your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they think could be going on.

Ingrown hair, or not?

Apply some hot compresses to it in the form of a face cloth run under hot water. This should bring it to a head. You can then try to squeeze it out which will bring the ingrown hair out of the skin as well. Make sure you keep the area very clean or it could become infected. Dab it with some antiseptic afterwards and cover with a dry dressing if you have one.

If that doesn't work then get some magnesium sulphate paste (from the chemists) and apply that, cover with a dry dressing and wait for it to work.

If you haven't got an ingrown hair then these things will still work - it will just be an inflamed spot with no hair inside.

Ingrown hair, or not?

MRSA, generally start as small red bumps that resemble pimples, boils or spider bites. These can quickly turn into deep, painful abscesses that require surgical draining. Some causes: Having a weakened immune system.

Living in crowded or unsanitary conditions..

Recent hospitalization or antibiotic use. A recent hospital stay or treatment with fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin or levofloxacin) or cephalosporin antibiotics can increase the risk of CA-MRSA.

Association with health care workers. People who are in close contact with health care workers are at increased risk of serious staph infections.

Ingrown hair, or not?

i had a simliar one, and i just squeezed yah thats gross but im a nosey person.. and i really wanted it off and then a hair popped out and i plucked it..

but it could also be a pimple.. because they sometimes appear. :]

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