Monday, April 16, 2012

STD or ingrown hair??

I have this little red bump on the lip of my vagina, it showed up after i shaved and was small then and got worse today because i had sex w. my boyfriend (protected) and i dont know what it could be. Does it sound more like an ingrown hair or irratation due to shaving, or an STD. It hurts a little when i touch it, but not that much.

What does it sound like to you??

STD or ingrown hair??

it kinda sounds like a ingrown hair but you should talk to a advice nurse and tell her about it and they can give you more info in this subject . but if it is a bump it should go way in a few weeks cuz i get them some times and i get them with out having any sex at all they just come up after shaving . see if you see any hair in it and take some tweezers and pull it out that should give you a lil relief

STD or ingrown hair??

Sounds like an ingrown hair.

STD or ingrown hair??

i would say that its an ingrown hair cuz i've had them before and they really hurt and are red and somethimes they do get bigger.

STD or ingrown hair??

most likely an ingrown hair keep an eye on it and lay off the sex until you know for sure what it is

STD or ingrown hair??

Ingrown hair, or irritation from shaving

STD or ingrown hair??

Not to scare you but it could very well be an ingrown hair but also genital herpes can take on the form of an ingrown hair at first. usually an ingrown hair comes along a few days after hair starts growing back about a week later not right away. If you noticed flu like symptoms or a really bad headache a day before or tingling in the area the day of or the day before i would go get checked just to be sure its not herpes. And don't touch it cause it can spread to other body parts and that would suck. P.s if your boyfriend had a cold sore and gave you oral sex anytime between 21 -2 days before you noticed the bump it could very well get transferred over that way too.

STD or ingrown hair??

sounds to me like an ingrown hair. i've had my fair share of them believe me and what you're describing is what i have experienced. they happen after when i shave 'down there' too

STD or ingrown hair??

u should have went to the clinic. even though the sex was protected everything is not 100%. you put both your lives at risk. you should not touch anything that is swollen with dirty hand. u could be causing futher irritation. go check it out.

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